| - Its primary broadcasting location, known as the UPI NewsCenter, is located in San Francisco, and it has at least one secondary broadcasting location in Los Angeles. UPI broadcasts its signal over subspace and so is receivable throughout much of Federation space. ] In 2375, UPI's subspace channel was among the commercial channels that were not jammed during the Dominion/Breen Confederacy's attack on Earth, and its signal was amongst the strongest being transmitted outside of the Sol system, alerting the rest of Starfleet and the Federation of the attack. UPI's reporters, including Wendy Spampinato, were able to continue broadcasting throughout the attack, and its San Francisco offices came under attack; the news center in Los Angeles was able to continue broadcasting, however, and as a result images of the Breen attack on San Francisco and of the orbital battle between the hijacked DP-7 orbital defense platform and the starships USS Enterprise and USS Columbia reached the galaxy at large. The following day, UPI covered the subsequent press conference with President Min Zife in the Palais de la Concorde and confirmed that the Breen Confederacy had joined the Dominion and withdrawn its diplomatic mission from the Federation. (Tales of the Dominion War: "Eleven Hours Out")