| - She's cute. Beautiful, in fact. Friendly and popular. She's the head of the class in terms of looks, money and everything that counts for her approval rating, but she's not the Alpha Bitch, even if she has a Girl Posse or the entire grade on her side. One of Those Two Guys might have a crush on her, even though he never gets anywhere. She's the perfect girl... ...except there's something not quite human about her, and she's secretly out for your blood. Note that the name comes from Uncanny Valley, not Valley Girl. Examples of Uncanny Valley Girl include:
| - She's cute. Beautiful, in fact. Friendly and popular. She's the head of the class in terms of looks, money and everything that counts for her approval rating, but she's not the Alpha Bitch, even if she has a Girl Posse or the entire grade on her side. One of Those Two Guys might have a crush on her, even though he never gets anywhere. She's the perfect girl... ...except there's something not quite human about her, and she's secretly out for your blood. The Uncanny Valley Girl is smarter than she lets on, and puts on a very convincing persona that's made the class adore her. It's the high school girl version of Villain with Good Publicity, except the publicity is good enough that nobody, not even The Hero, knows she's the villain -- or anything other than normal. Not until she comes at you with a sharp object, that is. Compare Yandere, Cute and Psycho, Stepford Smiler, Living with the Villain, Dark Magical Girl. Contrast Alpha Bitch, Fallen Princess, Loners Are Freaks. Note that the name comes from Uncanny Valley, not Valley Girl. Examples of Uncanny Valley Girl include: