Todos os temas por Roberts]] agás onde se indique. 1.
* "Winter Song" 2.
* "Comin' Back Soon (The Bereft Man's Song)" 3.
* "Superman's Song" 4.
* "The Country Life" 5.
* "Here on Earth (I'll Have My Cake)" 6.
* "The Ghosts That Haunt Me" 7.
* "Thick-Necked Man" (Benjamin Darvill) 8.
* "Androgynous" (Paul Westerberg) 9.
* "The Voyage" 10.
* "At My Funeral"
Todos os temas por Roberts]] agás onde se indique. 1.
* "Winter Song" 2.
* "Comin' Back Soon (The Bereft Man's Song)" 3.
* "Superman's Song" 4.
* "The Country Life" 5.
* "Here on Earth (I'll Have My Cake)" 6.
* "The Ghosts That Haunt Me" 7.
* "Thick-Necked Man" (Benjamin Darvill) 8.
* "Androgynous" (Paul Westerberg) 9.
* "The Voyage" 10.
* "At My Funeral"