Heat Phanphan is an elephant-like enemy that has only appeared in Kirby Air Ride. They might be related to Phan Phan, because of its name and elephant-like body. They appear much like regular Phan Phan, but their ears are straight instead of droopy, and they have feet more similar to Kirby than to an elephant like Phan Phan's. There is a flame pattern on their ears and unlike Phan Phan, they have tusks surrounding their straight trunk. Their trunk also has a flame pattern. They have a small bit of rosy cheeks, much like Kirby, as well as bright green eyes and a marshmallow-shaped body. They can fly by flapping their large ears.
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- Heat Phanphan
- Heat Phanphan
| - Heat Phanphan, traducido como Phanphan Calor o Phanphan de Calor es un enemigo que apareció por primera vez en el videojuego Kirby Air Ride y por última vez en el videojuego cancelado Kirby GCN, mostrado en el trailer con un Waddle Dee Sombrilla, Kirby y un Waddle Doo sobre él. Otorga la habilidad Fuego al ser inhalado. Es un enemigo con un parecido a un elefante y a un Phan Phan, como indica su nombre, solo que ataca con fuego. Tienen pies parecidos a los de Kirby. Tienen ojos verdes brillantes y grandes orejas.
- Heat Phanphan is an elephant-like enemy that has only appeared in Kirby Air Ride. They might be related to Phan Phan, because of its name and elephant-like body. They appear much like regular Phan Phan, but their ears are straight instead of droopy, and they have feet more similar to Kirby than to an elephant like Phan Phan's. There is a flame pattern on their ears and unlike Phan Phan, they have tusks surrounding their straight trunk. Their trunk also has a flame pattern. They have a small bit of rosy cheeks, much like Kirby, as well as bright green eyes and a marshmallow-shaped body. They can fly by flapping their large ears.
- Heat Phanphan ist ein kleiner weißer Elefant mit Flammenmustern am Köper und tauchte zum ersten Mal in Kirby Air Ride auf. Durch ihn erhält Kirby die Feuer-Fähigkeit, wenn er ihn verschluckt. Mithilfe seiner Ohren ist Heat Phanphan in der Lage durch die Luft zu fliegen und seine einzige Attacke besteht darin Feuerbälle zu spucken. Er erinnert durch sein Aussehen und dem Namen sehr an Phan Phan. Im fertigen Spiel Kirby's Adventure Wii ist er jedoch nicht vorhanden. Kategorie:Gegner aus Kirby Air Ride
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| - Artwork de Heat Phanphan en Kirby Air Ride.
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| - Heat Phanphan is an elephant-like enemy that has only appeared in Kirby Air Ride. They might be related to Phan Phan, because of its name and elephant-like body. They appear much like regular Phan Phan, but their ears are straight instead of droopy, and they have feet more similar to Kirby than to an elephant like Phan Phan's. There is a flame pattern on their ears and unlike Phan Phan, they have tusks surrounding their straight trunk. Their trunk also has a flame pattern. They have a small bit of rosy cheeks, much like Kirby, as well as bright green eyes and a marshmallow-shaped body. They can fly by flapping their large ears. Heat Phanphan will idly sit on the racetrack until a player comes by, at which point it will get up and fly in the same direction as the player. The creature will shoot fireballs from its trunk onto the ground, where they will stay for a short time, acting as obstacles. This is very similar to Kirby's Fire ability, which can be obtained by inhaling the enemy. Heat Phanphan has also been shown as a Helper in the trailer of the unreleased Kirby GCN. It could carry up to three passengers. The one shown in the trailer was green, but one can assume that it would have had its original palette (as a CPU helper), or could have come in yellow or blue (depending on which player was controlling it).
- Heat Phanphan ist ein kleiner weißer Elefant mit Flammenmustern am Köper und tauchte zum ersten Mal in Kirby Air Ride auf. Durch ihn erhält Kirby die Feuer-Fähigkeit, wenn er ihn verschluckt. Mithilfe seiner Ohren ist Heat Phanphan in der Lage durch die Luft zu fliegen und seine einzige Attacke besteht darin Feuerbälle zu spucken. Er erinnert durch sein Aussehen und dem Namen sehr an Phan Phan. Heat Phanphan ist auch im Trailer und auf Screenshots von Kirby Wii zu sehen und ist dort der Gegner und Helfer für die Feuer-Fähigkeit. Im Video konnte man auch erkennen, das er seinen Feueratem wie einen Düsenantrieb einsetzt, indem er beim Sprung seinen Rüssel in Richtung des Bodens richtet und anschließend Feuer speiht. Im fertigen Spiel Kirby's Adventure Wii ist er jedoch nicht vorhanden. Kategorie:Gegner aus Kirby Air Ride
- Heat Phanphan, traducido como Phanphan Calor o Phanphan de Calor es un enemigo que apareció por primera vez en el videojuego Kirby Air Ride y por última vez en el videojuego cancelado Kirby GCN, mostrado en el trailer con un Waddle Dee Sombrilla, Kirby y un Waddle Doo sobre él. Otorga la habilidad Fuego al ser inhalado. Es un enemigo con un parecido a un elefante y a un Phan Phan, como indica su nombre, solo que ataca con fuego. Tienen pies parecidos a los de Kirby. Tienen ojos verdes brillantes y grandes orejas.
is Enemies
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