| - Narrator: Just another typical day for WordGirl.. Vanquisher of villains! Mayor: We couldn’t have done it without you, WordGirl. How can we ever thank you? WordGirl: Oh, their love is all the thanks I need! Narrator: The next day, as Becky Botsford is walking home from school… Scoops: Hey Becky! Guess what? You know the Big City Times? Becky: Oh yes. Nice picture! Scoops: Well, the editor from the Big City Times, Mr. Woodward Bernstein, just hired me to write an article for the paper! Becky: What hard-hitting topic do you plan to tackle in your big article? Scoops: The story of the city’s newest bingo champion, Granny May! Becky: Wait a minute-- didn’t I-- I mean, WordGirl just put her in jail? Scoops: She WAS in jail, but they let her out for good behavior. Apparently, she’s given up her live of crime and has devoted herself to playing bingo full time. Becky: I’ll believe THAT when I see it. Scoops: She’s undefeated at bingo, never lost a game yet. I’m going to watch her play tonight and interview her for my article. Becky: I’ll come too. Gotta make sure Granny May isn’t up to her old tricks! Scoops: Why? Becky: Uh, because I love watching bingo. There’s nothing more fun-- than watching bingo! Scoops: (after pondering this for a minute) ... Except maybe flossing. Becky: Uh, right. Narrator: That night, at the peaceful quiet Shady Acres Retirement Community, it’s time for… BINGO! Scoops: This is the world of bingo! Ahh! Becky: I don’t get it… how does bingo work, again? Scoops: You don’t know? Well, it’s pretty simple. The caller spins a cage until a number fall out. And then you see if you have that number on your card. If you get five numbers in a row, you win and yell-- Granny May: BINGO! Becky: Sounds like you have to be pretty lucky. Scoops: That’s why Granny May being undefeated is such a big deal. The odds of her winning so many games in a row are… really small. She’s incredibly talented. Becky: (whispering to Bob) Or, she’s incredibly cheating! Bingo Announcer: B-13! Granny May: Bingo! Bingo Announcer: And with that, Granny May wins tonight’s overall grand prize. She remains undefeated! Bingo Announcer: Which means, she has never lost a single game! Scoops: Time to interview Granny May! A good reporter always asks a few hard-- hitting-- questions! Da-da-da! Here I go. Scoops: Granny May! To what do you credit your unprecedented success? Granny May: I just work hard and play fair! And I’m lucky! Scoops: (writing) Work hard, play fair, lucky. And finally, please be honest here, bingo is really fun, isn’t it? Granny May: You know it! Scoops: Thank you for your time, I got what I needed. Becky: If you don’t mind, Granny May, I’ve got a few questions too. Granny May: Oh go ahead, I love talking to my adoring fans! Becky: Great. Tell me how you cheated! Granny May: I am not cheating. I just have a positive attitude and a really lucky good luck charm-- my good luck duck! Now, run along and leave me alone, you noisy little troublemaker! Becky: Hmm… Scoops: “Granny May remains undefeated! Going for record in next week’s All-City Charity Bingo Tournament! Waving her lucky duck in the air, Granny May easily defeated the competition! Her fans across the city adore her!” Granny May: (singing in a rap beat) I’m Granny May, and I’m hear to say / I love to yell Bingo in a major sorta way / I never lost, I’m undefeated / I win the game standing or seated / When I say ‘Bing’, you say ‘Go’ / Bing-- Crowd: Go! Granny May: Bing-- Crowd: Go! Granny May: I ain’t here to cause no trouble / I’m just here to do the Granny May Shuffle! / Ooh- oo- ee- ee- ee- ee- / Now raise the roof! Man: I can’t reach it! Becky: I don’t get it! One day, Granny May is public enemy number one, and suddenly, just because she’s good at bingo, everyone adores her! Becky: Oh, well if everyone adores her, it means they like her a lot and are very fond of her. For example, you are very fond of sandwiches, right? You like them a lot? Becky: Then you adore sandwiches! Granny May: Stick around, Gran fans, to learn how you can join the Granny May fan club! Becky: Ugh! I just know Granny May is cheating! But I don’t know how. Come on, Bob! Let’s investigate. Word UP! WordGirl: We don’t have much time. You look where Granny May always sits, and I’ll check out the caller’s station. Let’s find out what’s been keeping Granny May undefeated! WordGirl: What was that? Huggy, wave that adorable duck around! WordGirl: That’s IT! There must be a special magnet in Granny May’s good luck duck! And she’s using it to pull out certain numbers! She IS cheating! Now we know HOW! Come on, Huggy! I think it’s time we told Granny May’s fans what their undefeated bingo champion is up to! WordGirl: Oh fine, bring it along. Word UP! (She takes off with Huggy ) Scoops: Granny May, Granny May! Granny May: Uh, you there, tiny reporter boy. Scoops: Scoops Ming, huge fan. Tonight’s tournament is being played for charity. Tell me, what charity will you be playing for? Granny May: The, uh… uh… oh, the save the dinosaurs foundation! WordGirl: Hold on just a second, Granny May! Granny May: Ohhhhhh… have you come to cheer me on, dearie? How thoughtful of you. WordGirl: On the contrary, I’m here to tell everyone in the city that you, Granny May, are a CHEATER! WordGirl: That’s right, citizens! Granny May is cheating at bingo, and I can prove it! Man: How can you say that? Granny May is a bingo champion and a hero! Pointing lady: And a role model! I named my daughter after her-- Little Granny May! WordGirl: See--? Duck-- and cage-- bingo-- the magnet-- doh, I give up! Granny May: Well, looks like nobody wants to hear what you have to say, language lady! I’ll just take my good luck duck. See you tonight, bingo baby! Bingo Announcer: Playing for downtown quilting stitch club, Mona Fallenbuckel! And playing for the "Raise some money to repaint that one swingset in the park" society, David Higginbotham! And now, everybody’s favorite undefeated champion, the older lady you all adore, Granny May! Granny May: I think it’s time to save some dinosaurs up in here! Bingo Announcer: Oh, and I’m being told there’s a late entry into the competition. One final competitor-- WordGirl? WordGirl: Yeah, boo, I get it. I’ll see you in the finals, cheater! Granny May: Not if I see you first, spoil-sport! Bingo Announcer: It’s all come down to this, folks. The final match between Granny May and WordGirl! And now, ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to take a quick timeout to say thank you to Mr. Tim Botsford, for providing us with this ceremonial final bingo balls from his personal collection. Okay, and now, it’s time… for… BIN-GO! WordGirl: Just wanted to let you know, those new bingo balls are made out of wood, not metal! So I don’t think your little lucky ducky will be very helpful this time around! WordGirl: ...Because magnets don’t WORK on wood! WordGirl: It’s tough to stay undefeated when you have to play by the rules, huh? Granny May: Dohh… bring it, WordGirl! Bingo Announcer: It’s all come down to this, ladies and gentlemen. Granny May needs N-37, WordGirl needs N-39. Whoever gets their number first will win! Granny May: Come on, N-37! WordGirl: N-39, N-39-- BIngo Announcer: N-- WordGirl: Come on! Bingo Announcer: Thirty-- Granny May: That’s… right… Bingo Announcer: Nine! WordGirl: BINGO! Bingo Announcer: WordGirl wins, taking with her the hopes and dreams of the entire city. Granny May: I guess WordGirl just doesn’t like old ladies. The poor dinosaurs. WordGirl: Come on, Huggy. Looks like this city doesn’t think I’m a hero anymore. Scoops: And as victory flew out the window, like a duck flies over a pond, Granny May’s good luck duck was all that-- Scoops: Whoa! Huh. That’s funny, this duck is magnetic. Scoops: (gasps) Wait just a minute! Becky: Thanks for the silly dance, Bob, but it’s not working. I’m still sad. The city doesn’t love me anymore. Scoops: Becky, Becky, check it out! I wrote another article for the Big City Times. Front page! Becky: (reading) Granny May is a bingo cheater?! Granny May’s criminal ways exposed? Granny May was using a magnetic duck to cheat and win unfairly! WordGirl was right all along? Dinosaurs ARE extinct, and WordGirl loves old ladies! And in conclusion, the city should once again trust WordGirl… the city’s REAL undefeated hero! Oh… Scoops: Mister Woodward Bernstein called it a hard-hitting piece of investigative journalism. I’m really proud of it because-- Becky? Narrator: And so, we end where we began. WordGirl is an undefeated hero, adored by the city she protects. Join us next time for another exciting episode of-- WordGirl!