| - There are a number of unclassifiable characters that were created just for the anime version of the show, gentlemen "unknown" without official constellation, which means Unknown saints (other men) as they like to call ... they wear armor and are occasionally or sporadically but has not said or possibly that constellation represents his clothing, nor what their rank. because of them many fans consider there to be strict in this matter and only the info from the manga (and Taizen) should be considered from an official point of view, under the author's vision. the rest, as these characters would not be more than official added from the point of view of Toei Animation, which often contradicts the Kurumada. according to the diagram of the pamphlet of Tenkai, not part of the 88 Knights of Athena
| - There are a number of unclassifiable characters that were created just for the anime version of the show, gentlemen "unknown" without official constellation, which means Unknown saints (other men) as they like to call ... they wear armor and are occasionally or sporadically but has not said or possibly that constellation represents his clothing, nor what their rank. because of them many fans consider there to be strict in this matter and only the info from the manga (and Taizen) should be considered from an official point of view, under the author's vision. the rest, as these characters would not be more than official added from the point of view of Toei Animation, which often contradicts the Kurumada. according to the diagram of the pamphlet of Tenkai, not part of the 88 Knights of Athena. The range of these characters is simply "not defined" and Japanese have the characteristic of sonata (the rest, other) according to the dictionary of characters jump gold artbook selection 2: docrates, guilty, ennetsu saint, OHKO, cassios, leda, spica etc. .. among others. with this, any claim of ranges for these additives to the anime fan is pure speculation. all the saints who have no constellation are referred for special cosmos 'Sonata no saints' (other saints or saints different). All these characters are "fillers" irrelevant, to gain time on the animated series, so all disappear without a trace. as the gold jump artbook selection - compendium of the gentlemen of the anime, we have: - Knights guard particularly talented group of men with powers. as they are not knights armor officers have no way of constellations (!) docrates and ennetsu - Knights group of retired men who have left the front line of battle and engaged in training apprentices, guilty and glass - ghosts or knights knights spectra kanji katakana = ghost = yurei saints saint / seitoshi for their crimes were banished from the sanctuary the most curious is that the new anime ovas saint seiya have forgotten all those added to the manga Kurumada. if the classic anime TV series was quite faithful to kurumanga, now even more oavs respect Kurumada's work. very few changes have been made to adapt the hades hen manga to anime, and in the process, toei wanted to reverse all these changes unnecessary before. For example, Hyoga and not remember the Crystal saint, all you have in your mouth is "wa ga shi Kamyu ...", or "my master, camus" ... identical to the manga Kurumada. docrates, arahcné, gigas, phaeton, Ouko, spartan and all other unnecessary additions is as if they never existed. toei practically has "retconneado" these changes (= retcon retconned, modify something existing in the continuity of a universe), to keep even more faithful to the manga Kurumada, which is good. all that has been forgotten, as if it never existed, as it should be at first. The only point that seems to remain are the design modifications were made to the bronze cloths in its original form, as shown in the flashbacks. however, was very curious that Kurumada had used up his sleeve to shun flashbacks and Daidalos in hades hen, have reacted to learn how to adapt this to Toei anime, whether with or with Albiore Daidalos.