| - In some cases, one Doomlord could petition the Dread Council for a review of a previous Doomlord's judgement, if that Doomlord had perished before their judgement could be completed - with the successful petitioners been given a time limit to influence that species for the better. If the Doomlord succeeded, the Dread Council would allow the species to live. If the Doomlord failed, the species would be wiped out and the Doomlord who petitioned the council for the review would be executed as punishment for their failure. In the rare cases where a Doomlord disobeyed the council's orders to eliminate a species on another world, The council would send another Doomlord to both carry out the sentence and eliminate the traitor. If that Doomlord failed to kill the traitor, the council would resort to sending the Deathlords - deadly Noxian assassins - to finish the job. Doomlords possessed a variety of powers and abilities. These included been invulnerable in their alien form, possessing super strength, shapeshifting into a human form and absorbing a person's memories, skills and personailty - allowing them to mimic their new form flawlessly. In some cases, they could transfer their life force into a human before growing inside them like a parasite - eventually taking them over. Doomlords were also shown to be very smart and had the power to hypnotise. The Doomlords also possessed energy rings, which they would wear in their human and alien forms and had a variety of different uses. These included allowing a Doomlord to levitate, fire a disintergration beam, create force fields and teleport. In later cases, the rings could also bring inanimate objects to life and allowed for time travel. Despite this, Doomlords did have weaknesses. They required Ultraviolet light for substenance, which meant they could be starved to death by been kept from it. Also, their human forms weren't invulnerable like their alien forms - meaning they could be wounded by gunfire or other Earth weapons in this form. Their power of hypnotism, furthermore, could eventually be overcome by strong willpower.