| - Seward Trainer restores Gaunt's body and learns his employer's identity. He tries to warn Ben and Peter but the employer murders him . Gaunt in his new robotic armor receives orders to kill Ben. Alison Mongrain, the newest waitress at the Daily Grind, puts something in Mary Jane's soup. Soon after, MJ goes into "severe and complicated labor." In battle, Spidey discovers Gaunt is Mendel Stromm, the Robot-Master, who surrounds Ben and Peter with his attacking robots . At the hospital, MJ learns that her regular doctor is "out of town." Other doctors will perform the delivery. Elsewhere, Peter destroys Gaunt's three kid robots as he tries to get to MJ's side. Arthur Stacy comes to town to see Spider-Man, apparently his brother's killer, brought to justice. Peter and Ben team up against Gaunt. At the Bugle, someone has scheduled a board meeting and Halloween party at the same time. The men who "fixed" the elevator now set out a pumpkin bomb amongst the Halloween decorations. Peter and Ben defeat Stromm. Peter heads to the hospital but Gaunt's boss ambushes Ben. At the hospital, the baby is pronounced stillborn. Mongrain, disguised as a nurse, heads to a waiting boat with a package. There, she is sent to Europe by the mastermind behind it all: Norman Osborn.