| - After saving Svala from Leonid, bring Eugene to see Touma, who is in a room on Castle Halgita's third floor. They reminisce about promises made years ago.
- Old Friends is the twenty-first episode of the first season of Baywatch.
- Episode 1, Season 5 of War. A huge thanks to everyone who reads and an even bigger one to those who comment. This series would have never come this far without you guys. Thank you for listening to all my rantings, enduring all my questions, and obsessiveness. A big thanks from WaterClan!
- You will find Sergeant Bokkun close to the entrance into Dzagonur Bastion, so if you have that location (or Grand Court of Sebelkeh) on your map already, map travel there first will save time. Exit into the Mirror of Lyss, speak to him and enter / return to Dzagonur Bastion to report in to Commander Tanmod and get your reward and the next quest.
- Old Friends is the twenty-first scenario of the Fall of the Trident campaign in Age of Mythology. It is the last scenario in the Egyptian part of the campaign. Once completed, players will be able to view the Norse tutorial.
- Old Friends is the second soundtrack of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, played in the scene of Gandalf knocking on Bilbo's door (at Bag End).
- The Doctor and his companions arrive in Pete's World, where they meet an old friend, and some new enemies.
- The murder of the CFO from a baby food company leads Detectives Briscoe and Logan to the Russian mob.
- Isabella and the Fireside Girls volunteer at the Danville Home for the Elderly and Phineas and Ferb devise a system that will make the seniors' lives easier. Doofenshmirtz plans to kidnap all the cats in the Tri-State Area. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Old Friends is the 5th episode of Thundercats 2011 TV series. The team search for Thundrillium and learn more about Panthro and Grune's past.
- Old Friends was a trade paperback collecting comic issues based on Angel.
- Old Friends was the premiere episode of Season 3 of The Golden Girls, also the 52nd overall episode of the series. Directed by Jay Sandrich and written by Susan Harris, it premiered on NBC-TV, originally airing on September 19, 1987.
- As Ryoko and Hotsuma continue their criminal activities, Kiyone and Mihoshi are sent undercover to infiltrate their pirate band and discover the location of their base. Recognising her poorly disguised friends, Ryoko decides to have a little fun at their expense by giving them all kinds of tedious chores to complete! But no matter how hard the chores get, Kiyone and Mihoshi have something much more difficult to contemplate- should they help to turn in an old friend, or wait and find out just why Ryoko left the Earth in the first place?
- Elena Validus and Ben are attacked by old enemies of Max Tennyson.
- Old Friends is the eleventh campaign mission for Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Working from Hassan's Information, TF Mako pins the sales of PETN to a Gunrunner whom Dusty has history with from the War In Bosnia. TF Mako link up with TF Atlas GROM Operators whom Voodoo has a history with. They then chase the gunrunner through ruins of Sarajevo and fight many mercenaries he hired. After disabling his getaway vehicle. The gunrunner is captured and pushed to devel information as to where the missing PETN is being shipped.
- [[Category:Unfettered]] [[Category:Unfettered]] )) tf - Friday, March 04, 2016, 7:01 PM ------------------------------------ Sgt. Nakamea says, "Sirs! I'm detecting activity on the Eye-Seek satellites...looks like it could be another bug hunt coming up." General Kenya Momesa says, "Transmit coordinates. All available troops are ordered to move to intercept them." Major Winslow says, "Hot Damn, I knew the system upgrades would pay off. Now we've got em!" Talia McKinley says, "'Bout time those bugs crawled back out where we can go squash 'em." Sgt. Nakamea says, "Yes, Sir. It appears to be within operational distance from Nakambe! Speculation is that, given the previous encounters, the Insecticons will most likely move to devour Senegal!" Major Winslow says, "Activating the Land Br
- Suddenly, the anti-heroic Tyrannosaurus rex appears, breaks up the fight between Billy and Nima, and eats Billy. However, she then proceeds to attack Gerry, Jess, and Nima. As Nima and Jess escape to the boat, Jess gets knocked over and hangs on the edge. Nima saves Jess, but the Barbasol Can gets crushed by the tyrannosaur's foot. They all eventually reach the boat and began sailing away from the island. On the boat, Gerry explains to Nima how the world was better off without the Barbasol Can and reminded Nima about his promise to help her and her daughter. As Gerry proposed to having them to come with him and Jess, Jess interrupts and asks how much the embryos were worth, discovering a bag full of money in the boat. The end credits roll, and it is unknown if Nima used that money to take
- The first part of the mission is best done using stealth. Go to the very edge of cover, and lean out to snipe the first enemy. Unsnap from this wall and slowly advance to the second guy. Stand a good distance back so the third cannot see you, and shoot his head as well. Climb up to the rooftop, and silently drop down to surprise the third man (on a turret). Use your knife on him for some variety. Grab his Uzi and head forward, watching out for a fourth troop. Use your pistol to sift his brains, and grab any ammunition from his corpse. Go into the room he came out from to trigger a cutscene.