| - CC-1193, also known as Commander Gut, was a Galactic Marine who lived during the Clone Wars. Because the clone squadron, Lizard Squad, had no commanders and the Marines had two, Gut was moved to the Lizard Squadron. Jedi Master and General Vinpo Pocam and his Padawan, Jiin Sol, led the commander into many fleets. CC-1193 was able to keep his red and white armor throughout his entire life.
| - CC-1193, also known as Commander Gut, was a Galactic Marine who lived during the Clone Wars. Because the clone squadron, Lizard Squad, had no commanders and the Marines had two, Gut was moved to the Lizard Squadron. Jedi Master and General Vinpo Pocam and his Padawan, Jiin Sol, led the commander into many fleets. CC-1193 was able to keep his red and white armor throughout his entire life. During the Battle of Umbara, Master Pocam was taken hostage by Darth Maul until Jiin led the Lizard Squadron into the Sith Temple. Many of the troopers died, only Gut and a clone sergeant named Shiver survived. The trooper and the commander did their best to catch up with the Jedi Commander until a ray shield went down in between Sol and his remaining troopers. Sol was then faced with several IG-100 Magnaguards and, after defeating them, the shields shut down. After Gut asked Sol if he was okay and got a positive response, the Jedi was confronted by Maul and Savage Oppress. Oppress Force pushed the two clones, breaking them through a wall and pushing them outside. They both survived, however, and managed to battle several B1 and B2 battle droids. Upon defeating the two Sith, who escaped in a starship, Jiin saved Master Pocam and his clone troopers. During the battle of Ryloth, Jiin lead the troopers towards an enemy transport, but, suddenly, Jiin was shot in the back and killed. Master Pocam burned Jiin into ashes at the Ryloth Base. When they got back into battle, Shiver was shocked by a Magnaguard and thrown to the ground. He was pulled back to a safety by an ARC trooper. Liutenants Blu, Ops, and Skul were all shot or hit by a grenade. Gut tried to hide behind a rock and shoot several droids before running towards them, scratching his red armor. Upon completing the battle, the Jedi General, the commander, and a few other phase II armored troopers met in the Hub, a flagship, and spoke to Yoda on the holo screen