| - After the fall of Pieta, 11 Awakened Beings of Isley's army attack Organization headquarters. All are killed by Claymores No. 1 and 2 (Alicia and Beth). The bodies are used instead of Normal Yoma to create a new type of "Claymore." It is unclear if the tissue of Awakened Beings is being implanted into human females. But the non-appearance of male Feeders is suggestive. The result are warriors that have no trace of humanity left. The Organization destroyed their eyes, bound their mouths and removed all sense of self, forcing them to crave only the flesh of their target. They are modified to release no Yoki, which inhibits their ability to sense it. At any given time, the Organization tries to maintain 11 in the field. Dietrich mentions that the current 11 aren't the original 11. When their numbers fall in half, they are conditioned to return to the Organization. The missing-in-action are replaced. The Abyss Feeders have a level of power not unlike a higher level Awakened Being, however they have little displayed power variation between individuals. They have an insane level of regeneration and very maleable bodies. However, they are also incredibly unintelligent and slow witted creatures with little to no sapient characteristics, a strange feature as most other yoma Entities are sapient. While they have been conditioned to learn the skills of their prey, and spread the information to other Abyss Feeders, this seems to be a totally artificial ability only possible by the Organizations manipulations. Also, being blind and relying on scent and Yoki sensing, they are at a great disadvantage against opponnents that are surpressing their Yoki.