| - The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week’s update, please detail the change so that it may be added. As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.
* The Libyan flag in the Clan settings interface has been updated.
* Some incorrect minimap icons displaying in Legacy Mode have now been corrected.
* The Polypore Dungeon no longer displays EoC damage multiplication hit splats in Legacy mode.
* The 4 new abilities now have new icons rather than inverted icons of existing abilities.
* Some graphical issues with monkey greegrees in Legacy mode have been fixed.
* An issue with the Queen Black Dragon displaying a smaller HP bar in Legacy mode has been corrected.
* Animations when casting ancient spells will now play properly.
* A graphical issue with the presets interface has now been fixed.
* Heroic Crit splats now show the correct values in Legacy mode.
* A graphical issue with the obelisks encircling Jaldroacht has been resolved.
* A punctuation error on the sachem skinweaver's chat options has been corrected.
* A healing area effect has been added to the bank chest at Clan Wars.
* An issue where two bar patrons could share the same stool in the Last Orders random event in Player-Owned Ports has been fixed.
* A typo when trying to equip Castle Wars armour without the required Defence level has been fixed.
* An issue which allowed you to fire multiple Omega eggs at the Penance Queen when the team only had one has been fixed.
* The effects of the burning barricades in Mobilising Armies have been updated.
* The low-tier Penance Trident can now correctly be equipped at Level 50 Magic.
* Sigmund and the Pest Queens' Dominion Tower descriptions have been update to account for changes made with Legacy mode.
* Some misplaced tool-tips have been removed for lost crew members in Player-Owned Ports.
* A healing area effect has been added to the bank chest in the Dominion Tower.
* Some levels in the Skill Advance Guide have been adjusted for abilities that didn't match.
* The Divination Skill Advance Guide has been updated to match the changes made to Portents of Restoration and Portents of Degradation.
* A spelling mistake when claiming the cooking master cape has been corrected.
* Some feedback logic for heating bones during Tai Bwo Wannai Trio has been corrected.
* A typo in "The Runes of the Spells of Water" book from Rune Mysteries has been corrected.
* The Sliske dialogue before entering the portal during the Fate of the Gods quest has had an extra "the" removed.
* The While Guthix Sleeps Quest journal no longer refers to Jas as male god.
* The Balance elemental during While Guthix Sleeps quest has been rebalanced.
* Excalibur can now be recovered from the Lady of the Lake if the enhanced excalibur is keepsaked.
* The Grand Tree quest journal has been updated to show the correct combat level for the demon fought in the quest.
* The gulls on Rock Island Prison have now had their attack ops removed.
* The ancestor spirits aura can once again be used during the Queen Black Dragon fight.
* The jungle bird on the larger of the two islands off the coast of Crash Island can now move about its habitat.
* NPCs attacking players will no longer make them unable to be attacked in single way PvP.
* A small buff has been made to Araxxi's drop table.
* The equipment requirements for PvP armour have reduced slightly to the old requirement of 78 Defence.
* The granite maul's attack speed has been increased, bringing it in line with the gravite 2h sword.
* The binding necklace has been fixed so that, after disintegrating, it does not remain visible on the character.
* Smoke tendrils will no longer deal maximum damage with every hit.
* Asphyxiate, Destroy and Rapid Fire will no longer stun NPCs.
* Locked MTX pets no longer become glitched by clicking on the interface below the pet preview.
* The pet rhino benefits have been removed meaning the pet is now cosmetic.
* The farmers cuffs now have the ability to pick nightshade/belladonna successfully without the player taking damage.
* The heal value for Redemption has been corrected in Legacy, and a heal hit splat has been added for when it is triggered.
* Some hybrid items whose defences were too high have been changed. These items are the berserker ring, void knight robe (bottom), obsidian platelegs, obsidian plateskirt and obsidian platebody.
* Being attacked by bolas will no longer give an interrupt to abilities.
* The 'Legacy' toggle has been added to the cog options on the action bar.
* The special attack on Korasi's sword will no longer deal melee type damage in single-way Wilderness.
* A toggle has been added when switching between Legacy/EoC to hide the confirmation prompt.
* The life points reference for the Mercenary gloves and Spirit capes in the Dungeoneering shop has been removed.
* A fix has been added for some map icons which weren't turning off correctly on the world map.
* A ranged bonus has been added to vambraces.
* Players now receive a warning when trying to drop the brawler's knockout, arcane stream and the farsight sniper necklaces.
* The ectoplasmator can now be worn in the pocket slot.
* The Divination rifts within Dungeoneering now have the extra options on them to quickly covert memories and energies.
* Crushing a single bird nest no longer opens the Make-X interface.
* The Zombie farmer will now take your payment immediately instead of finishing his lovely conversation before deciding to take it.
* All aura objects have had 'aura' added to their name to make them easier to search for in the bank.
* The text when receiving a strange rock has been coloured to make it more noticeable.
* At the end of Fish Flingers there is now no warning when leaving via the portal.
* Clan Camp Rework
* The clan camp layout has been updated to improve navigation.
* Armadyl's tower has been moved out of the clan camp footprint.
* Dialogue on the Clan Scribe has been revised for clarity.
* Dialogue on the Sergeant-At-Arms in the clan camp has been revised.
* Dialogue on the Captain of the Guard in the clan camp has been revised.
* Cutscenes explaining how to create a clan and the benefits of being in a clan have been added to the Clan Scribe.
* Interactions on the clan portal have been improved, mostly to direct players who aren't in a clan to the Clan Scribe.
* A pop-up message shown to members for clan citadels has been improved.
* Several graphical issues in the clan citadel tour cutscene have been fixed.
* Tutorial
* The skip button on the cinematic at the start of the Ashdale tutorial has been standardised.
* A cutscene flyover of the Ashdale island has been added as part of the opening cinematic, which replaces the player's walk down the house stairs.
* The player will now face away from the Ashdale house if they logout and login again immediately after the cinematic.
* Text in the camera notification at the start of the tutorial has been made slightly clearer.
* The river running through Ashdale has been improved.
* A graphical issue with Ashdale fishing spots has been fixed.
* Tutorial enemies now have fewer life points, Morwenna's taunts are linear rather than randomised, and the combat level has been removed from the dead cow.
* An issue where Gudrik could briefly disappear during Morwenna's intro cutscene has been fixed.
* A slight change has been made to Hendrik's and Sarah's dialogue.
* Prow textures on the ship in the sailing cutscene have been improved.
* World map
* The bank, transportation, water source, mining site, farming patch, altar and summoning obelisk icons have been changed in response to player feedback.
* Several icons in the world map key have been moved into different categories.
* A map icon has been added to the sawmill NPC in Taverley.
* A short tutorial has been added to the world map for new players.
* Path System
* Some text on the path system interface has changed, and Gudrik's head now looks less grumpy.
* The introduction to the path interface now has fewer steps.
* Chapters on trading and banking have been added to the path system.
* A prompt to bury bones has been added to the prayer basic challenge.
* Single-skill lamps rewarded by quests on the path system now have updated skill interfaces.
* Choose Your Path
* A pop-up message has been added to the members panel on the Choose Your Path interface.
* A character has been added near Ashdale lodestone to help players find the crassian caves.
* Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza has been added to the Choose Your Path interface.
* The Clan Scribe has been added to the Choose Your Path interface as a Skiller task.
* Daily challenges now have lower priority than Heist in the Choose Your Path interface.
* Guidance System
* Most guidance notifications when skilling and interacting with facilities for the first time have been removed.
* Notifications will now be turned off if the player dies.
* Parent windows now have a help button which triggers the current tab's tutorial.
* Most parent interface tutorials have been rewritten.
* Parent window frames have been graphically enhanced.
* A tutorial for the bank and shop interfaces has been added/updated.
* A help button has been added to the chat window with a chat tutorial.
* The mouse cursor in guidance notifications have been improved.
* An embedded pop-up message has been added to the challenge interface for free players.
* Blood Pact
* Xenia's initial idle animation has been updated.
* An issue where the colour grading in Lumbridge cemetery remained during the opening catacombs cutscene has been fixed.
* Various minor changes have been made to the dialogue structure.
* The introduction to adrenaline at the start of Blood Pact has been shortened.
* Several steps have been removed from the path system ability tutorials.
* Air strike will now automatically be set to autocast during the magic ability tutorial.
* Dragging is now indicated more clearly in ability tutorials.
* The fight with Reese has been moved into the larger outer chamber, and a bridging cutscene has been added.
* Ilona no longer wanders around Lumbridge cemetery.
* Lumbridge Catacombs
* Skeletons and skoblins in the Lumbridge Catacombs have been graphically updated.
* Catacomb skeletons now use a spawn animation.
* Cockroach and corpse spider animations in the Lumbridge catacombs have been updated.
* Colour grading in the Lumbridge Catacombs has been adjusted.
* Demon Slayer
* Characters sleeping in the north-east Varrock church have improved animations.
* Grüfeld Bach has been renamed to Gideon Bede. The character has changed from a demon hunter with blood ties to Silverlight to a non-combatant scholar with an interest in the occult.
* Dialogue and journal text throughout the quest has been reviewed for brevity.
* Idle animations on the three spirits guarding Silverlight have been updated.
* A path system player will now be prompted to equip Silverlight if they are attacking Delrith and not wielding Silverlight.
* Rhe amount of anti-Zamorakian rhetoric in the quest has been toned down.
* Monks of Zamorak have been changed to Denath's cultists.
* Human quest NPCs have been changed to use EoC combat animations.
* Cultists and skeletons have been rebalanced, and no longer heal if out of combat.
* Map links to the two quest interiors have been added.
* The Trial of Faith falling animation has been updated.
* Player will now be encouraged to get Silverlight from their bank if they bank it before entering Denath's crypt.
* Players can now get Silverlight from Gideon in Denath's crypt if they destroy it.
* The demon summoning interior has been rotated 180 degrees, so that Delrith spawns under Varrock.
* The demon summoning cutscene has been improved.
* Gideon Bede will now teleport around to the glowing sigils on the floor during the boss fight so players must re-position themselves in order to be shielded.
* The animations when Gideon casts a shield and Denath burns the Tome of Demonology have been improved.
* The timing of Delrith's special attack has been tweaked to be more accurate and more forgiving.
* A blocked square where Delrith could not reach the player has been fixed.
* Several text references that directed the player to Sir Prysin to reclaim Silverlight have been corrected.
* A reference to the events of Demon Slayer in Shadow of the Storm has been updated to be more accurate.
* A glitched animation when Agrith-Naar is summoned in Shadow of the Storm has been corrected.
* Sir Prysin now acknowledges Silverlight if you have it equipped.
* Players can now get a book of demonic lore (Avernic book) and Avernic wand from Gideon Bede after completing Demon Slayer.
* A Shadow Over Ashdale
* Lighting in Lucy's house has been adjusted.
* Dark marks on kickboards in Lucy's house have been fixed.
* More detail has been added to the architect's house on Ashdale.
* Some small graphical improvements have been made to the smuggler cave beneath Ashdale.
* The Death of Chivalry
* During Death of Chivalry, players can now talk to Saradomin at Edgeville Monastery for a quick teleport to the Black Knights' Fortress.
* Burthorpe/Taverley
* Taverley druids have been graphically updated.
* Crimson swift animations have been updated.
* Grass, mud and river bed textures in Burthorpe and Taverley have been updated.
* A redundant well has been removed from outside the Taverley inn.
* The Fisherman in Burthorpe has moved further away from the fishing tutor.
* Dungeoneering skill master and Fremennik shipmaster in Taverley have been combined.
* Bryll Thoksdottir now has some voiced dialogue about Daemonheim.
* Dungeoneering scenery has been moved away from outside Gudrik's house.
* The navigation arrow in Taverley that points to Daemonheim now points to the correct coordinate.
* TzHaar City
* A pop-up message shown to members on TzHaar City entrance has been improved.
* Cave entrances in the TzHaar City leading to Elder Kiln, Library, and Fight Cave have been renamed to improve navigation.
* When talking to TokHaar-Hok during the Elder Kiln quest, if you aren't carrying TzHaar-Ket-Yit'tal's TokKul, you will be told where to get it.
* Clearer directions have been added to the Brink of Extinction quest journal to help players that were confusing the Fight Kiln and Fight Cauldron caves.
* Fight Kiln and Fight Cauldron are now on the Minigames tab if you have completed the requisite quests.
* Pluralised "Fight Pits" and "Fight Caves" text has been standardised to singular "Fight Pit" and "Fight Cave".
* Lumbridge
* Animations on Lumbridge guards have been updated.
* A guard dog in Lumbridge has been given a proximity animation.
* Donie has returned to Lumbridge after a short holiday.
* RuneScape’s java certificates have been renewed. This will mean players will get a popup asking them to accept the new one. An ‘always trust’ tick box is available if they don’t want to see it again.