| - Reputation in Fallout: New Vegas is a measurement of how the different factions in the Mojave Wasteland perceive your character. It is affected by positive and negative deeds that affect the faction in question, such as completing quests or killing members, respectively. Reputation is separated into two categories: Fame and Infamy. Fame is positive and infamy is negative. Both types of reputation are tracked separately, the combination of which determines your reputation with any given faction. The benefits and drawbacks of any given reputation depend on the group itself. You may receive discounts with merchants, provoke attacks from hired thugs, or simply be treated differently. Certain types of clothing or armor carry a faction affiliation (e.g. NCR armor), allowing you to impersonate a member of the faction the clothing belongs to. While the armor is equipped, the player's reputation with certain factions is masked to "none" and hostility is set to whatever hostility (or non-hostility) exists between various factions. You become an anonymous member of that faction with no reputation history (neither fame nor infamy) even if you previously acted in that disguise and gained a reputation.
* For example, if you put on NCR armor, any accumulated reputation with the Legion and the NCR will be masked and both the Legion and NCR will disappear from the faction list, as if you had never acquired any reputation with them at all (not even Neutral), as if you had never met. However, since the Legion is normally hostile to the NCR, that hostility is not set and Legion units become hostile as if you were an NCR member. If she is in your party, Veronica Santangelo will probably immediately speak with you and warn you against continued hostility against the Brotherhood of Steel. Scripted Fame and Infamy are still applied to your true reputation scores. The temporary mask from disguise typically reduces any penalty until the disguise is reset (by taking it off and then putting it back on).
* For example, if you are Idolized by the NCR and would normally become a Good Natured Rascal after test-firing ARCHIMEDES I and II at HELIOS One.
* If you wore NCR armor before test-firing, your NCR reputation disappears from the list, as normal.
* After test-firing, the scripted infamy gain drops your reputation to Shunned.
* When you take off the NCR armor, your true reputation is revealed as Good Natured Rascal (as if you had test-fired ARCHIMEDES without the disguise).
* If you then put on the armor again, your reputation is again masked and disappears from the list, as if you hadn't test-fired ARCHIMEDES.
* If an enemy is already hostile to you, killing them does not add infamy. Therefore, you can, for example, put on NCR armor to make the Legion hostile, kill Legion soldiers, then take it off later and not be Vilified by the Legion. Some characters in a faction (including officers, security guards, and dogs) can see through disguises and react to your true reputation.
* They may be non-hostile prior, but if they spot you they will turn hostile if they would normally be hostile to you without your armor.
* Units that couldn't see through your disguise also become hostile.
* Depending on your disguise, the reverse could happen. For example, if a Courier has a Neutral reputation with the Legion and sneaks about a Legion camp with NCR armor, common Legion soldiers who cannot see through the disguise will be hostile and show as red on the compass. However, Legion Mongrels can see through the disguise and will not be initially set to hostile because they would not normally be hostile to the un-disguised Courier.