| - Simhamukha or Senge Dongma (Sanskrit:Siṃhamukhā; Tibetan:sen-ge’i gdong ma or senge-dong-chen) can be translated into English as Lion-Faced Dakini. According to the Indian traditions followed by the Sarma schools, the dakini Simhamukha is a tutelary deity arising out of the Chakrasamvara cycle of Tantras and belongs to the Anuttarayoga 'wisdom' classification. The Sarma schools' Simhamukha is unrelated to the deity of the same name and appearance which arose in the later indigenous Tibetan Nyingma 'terma' (treasure) traditions, where she is regarded as the secret form of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). According to the Nyingma school, this dakini and female tantric Buddha is the principal dakini teacher and one of the principal fierce manifestations of Padmasambhava, the 8th Century mahasiddha, claimed to be the founder of the same school. As such, she is connected with many ceremonies of the Dzogchen tradition. A fierce dakini, she is also one of the Phramenma , a group of female deities from the Bardo Thödol, or 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'. The female lama Jetsun Lochen (1865- 1951) founded a Simhamukha practice lineage. RIGPA SHEDRA names him Senge Dradok describing him to be one of the eight prinicipal forms assumed by Guru Rinpoche at different points in his life, Senge Dradok's activity being "the subjugation of non-buddhists".. Referring to "A Great Treasure of Blessings", page 30, it is said: Guru Rinpoche challenged and defeated five hundred upholders of wrong views in debate at Bodhgaya. He reversed their magic with the aid of a wrathful mantra given him by the lion-faced dakini Marajita. , ==Hindu legend == ==Tibet == Within the Nyingma School, of the two divisions of Kama (Oral Teachings) and Terma (Revealed Treasures), Simhamukha belongs to the Terma. From the three general divisions of Terma: Root, Branch and Essence, Simhamukha belongs to the Dakini Cycle within the Root Terma class. Only in the Nyingma tradition she is regarded as the secret form of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava. Otherwise, in the Sarma Traditions coming from India, the deity Simhamukha is found in the Chakrasamvara Cycle of Tantras. Although both forms are similar in name and appearance, they are unrelated. ==References and footnotes ==
* Reynolds, John Myrdhin. Simhamukha: Wrathful Lion-Headed Dakini
* Shaw,Miranda(1994). Passionate Enlightenment::Women in Tantric Buddhism. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 27. ISBN 0-691-01090-0.
* see Tibetan Buddhist Center Ati Ling Chagdud Gonpa Bay Area, California LION-FACED DAKINI ==Literature ==
* Beer, Robert, Simhamukha Senge Dongma, Wisdom Books, Publisher Robert Beer, 1996 ==External links ==
* Buddhist Deity: Simhamukha at Himayalan Art. com
* Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche RigpaShedra**Sengé Dradrok