| - Axis and Allies - The Original Game Pacific Supremacy - by James A. Kilner - Introduction The year is 1957, the African continent has been united, and has become a fully developed continent. Canada is really tired of the Russian Federation continually blocking the trade routes in the Pacific Ocean, and their ally, the Commonwealth of Australia, who also trades in the Pacific is getting frustrated as well. So Canada has declared war on Russia. Russia immediately asks the Chinese government for help. Neither nation trusts the other, so they make a non-aggression pact, but their goal is to destroy the Canadian fleet in the Pacific, together. The United African Republics United, and Immediately declare their neutrality. Also all of the European countries east of Western Europe and United Kingdom, immediately declare their neutrality. The Europeans aren't even gonna get ready for war, but neutral Africa is building up their forces in the Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. India is against the Chinese, and son are the Southeast Asian Nations, although they immediately declare their neutrality. India though could be bribed by the Australians, so can the Southern Europeans. Don't forget, the Chinese can declare war on the Russians at any time, and vice-versa. Victory Condition The object of the game is to control the entire Pacific Ocean. PACIFIC- spans from the French Indo-China, East Indies and Australian sea-zones to the West of the South American continent, also the sea zone south of South America counts as part of the Pacific, too. Special Rules In all canals it takes one move to get from one side to the other. Also the strait rule is used. The straits in this game are the Black Sea and the Balctic Sea and the Gulf of Mexic. To get into the Black Sea you must have control of Turkey, which will cost 3 IPCs. The other is the Baltic Sea, which is controlled by whoever owns Sweden, and also Western Europe. Another is the Gulf of Mexico, so whoever owns Panama and the Eastern United States. Oil Fields, Gold Mines, etc-certain countries are lucky, they are located right where there is a ton of oil, or gold or something. If you are lucky to start the game with a territory that has gold, then you can sell a country a stake in the gold. You probably want to sell pretty high, and make sure the country you are selling to makes a very little, because when you sell them that, they make that money every turn, for the rest of the game. You don't want to sell to someone you are at war with, you can't buy from yourself, either. Capitals are shown by a *, if no star is there then you can choose your own capital, but it has to be stated at the start of the game. IPC levels of countries
* Canada - 46
* Commonwealth of Australia - 25
* United African Republics - 40
* Russian Federation - 42
* People's Republic of China - 27 Initial Setup CANADA Playing pieces: green
* 12- *Eastern Canada: 2 inf, 4 tanks, IC, AA
* 10-Western Canada: 2 inf, 4 tanks, IC, AA
* 4-Alaska: 2 inf
* 4-Western USA: 2 inf
* 2-Eastern USA: inf
* 2-Mexico: inf
* 2-Panama: inf
* 1-West Indies: inf
* 1-Hawaii: 2 inf
* Solomon Islands: BBS, Carr with 2fighters, sub, trans
* 2-Saudi Arabia: inf, trans
* 6-Western Europe: bomber, tank, fighter, IC, AA Alliances: Commonwealth of Australia. Also with support from the United States, Mexico, Central America (incl. Panama), Cuba (and other Carribean nations), Saudi Arabia (incl. Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, UAE). Enemies: China, Russia Note: Canada owns oil reserves in the territories of Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Eastern and Western Canada. Note: Can build fighter-bombers (attack-3, defend-2, cost-13IPC's) CAN ONLY BE BUILT BY CANADA (look for rules in Dr. Tachyon House Rules, found through Thrasher's Axis&Allies page) COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Playing pieces: light brown
* 10-*Australia: 2 inf, 3 tanks, 2 fighters, bomber, trans, sub, IC, AA
* 1-New Zealand: 4 inf ,trans
* 8-United Kingdom: 2 inf, trans, fighter, bomber, IC, AA
* 2-New Guinea: 2 inf
* 2-Borneo-Celebes: 2 inf
* 2-East Indies: 2 inf Situation: Australia has been an ally with Canada for over 30 years, so Australia is fully supporting Canada. Also Australia has been experiencing difficulties with the Russians lately as well. Alliances: Canada, with support from the United Kingdom, East Indies, New Guinea, Borneo Celebes (Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, and Brunei). Possibility of support from Southern Europe (Italy, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece. Possibility of support from India (India, Pakistan). Enemies: Russia, China Note: Because Australia has the Great Barrier Reef (coral reef), it has an advantage against amphibious assaults. All units (except planes), used in an amphibious assault on the capital, Australia have too roll 1 less on the battleboard than regular. (eg. a battleship fires for it's 1 shot support attack, it rolls a 4 or higher, it misses, it rolls a 3 or less, it hits. A fighter attacks from a carrier off the west coast of Australia, he rolls a 4 or higher, and misses, he rolls a 3 or less, and gets a hit. Or an infantry is dropped off on Australia, for an amphibious assault, they don't roll anything. But if a tank is brought, too, then the tank can roll a 2 or less and get a hit). Note: For Southern Europe to join Australia's forces, Australia pays 12 IPC's and rolls 2 dice to roll a 5 or less. For India to join Australia's forces, Australia pays 6 IPC's and rolls 1 die to roll a 3 or less. When either territory joins, place 2inf and 2fighters on the Australia sided country. You can only win one territory on your side. Note: Australia starts the game with heavy ships (transports can carry either 4infantry, or 2 tanks, or 2AAguns, or 1IC), and long range ships (the movement of battleships, transports, and carriers are all increased to 3, while for subs, it is increased to 4). All naval units cost 1IPC less. Note: Australia also has a bit of oil in Borneo-Celebes UNITED AFRICAN REPUBLICS Playing pieces: yellow
* Persia: 6 inf, 6 tanks
* Syria-Iraq: 6 inf, fighter, IC, AA
* Anglo-Egypt Sudan: inf
* Italian East Africa: inf
* French Madagascar: inf, trans, BBS, sub
* Union of South Africa: 2 inf, 6 tanks, fighter
* French West Africa (Capital): 2 inf, fighter, AA, IC, BBS, sub, trans Also owns: Algeria, Libya, French Equitorial Africa, Belgian Congo, Rio de Oro, Kenya-Rhodesia, Angola, Mozambique, and Turkey Note: All territories are worth 2, except the capital, which is worth 10. Note: The UAR starts off with long range aircraft. Alliances: Politically neutral, the only support is from the countries that make up this nation. Enemies: Politically neutral. Need I say more. Note: The UAR can violate its neutrality only when one of the countries violates another country's neutrality. (eg. Say Russia or China attacked India, then the UAR could side with the Canada-Australia alliance. But say that Canada or Australia took Germany, then the UAR could side with Russia-China). Note: The UAR owns oil in Middle East members of union, and also owns diamonds/gold in the Union of South Africa. Generally we play that diamonds and gold are worth more, so the player who buys it will usually make more, and usually pay more for it, but, play how you want, I won't be there to monitor you. RUSSIAN FEDERATION Playing pieces: dark brown
* Karelia: 3 inf, tank, fighter, IC, AA, trans
* Russia(Capital): 4 inf, fighter, bomber, IC, AA
* Caucasus: 3 inf
* Kazakh: inf
* Novosibirsk: inf
* Evenki: inf
* Yakut: inf, tank
* Soviet Far East: 4inf, fighter, tank, trans, BBS, sub, IC, AA Situation: Russia needs an ally to help win the Battle of the Pacific, and they have only one place to turn for help, and that is China. Alliances: China, can break treaty with China at any time. Enemies: Australia, Canada Russia owns oil around the Caucasus territory. Russia has the ability to move it's industrial complexes. IC's can move 1 space. Their movement rate is 1. After being moved, they have to wait until their next turn to build anything there. Because of this, I have given Russia the liberty to choose their own capital, and the IC in Russia can be placed anywhere it wants to go, instead of on Russia. It goes wherever they say their capital is, unless there is already one there. Russia's tanks can now move 3, and all naval units cost 2 IPC's less. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Playing pieces: grey
* 3-Manchuria: 6 inf, 2 fighters, 3 tanks
* 10-*Kwangtung: 4 inf, 2 fighters, tank, AA, IC
* 8-Japan: 4 inf, 2 fighters
* 3-China: 5 inf, 2 fighters, tank
* 3-Sinkiang: 6 inf, 2 fighters, tank, IC, AA Situation: China wants to be part of this war, just to try and take something away from the capitalist governments, but they don't trust Russia. Therefore China has invested a ton of money in building up their forces. A lot of their armed forces is made up of infantry, because the huge army they have, and the ton of soldiers, and reserved soldiers they have, have been called, ready for action. Alliances: Russia, can be broken at any time by either nation Enemies: Australia, Canada China is very efficient in what she manufactures, so everything she makes will cost 1 IPC less. This doesn't count as Industrial Technology. Industrial Technology will reduce the cost by 1 IPC more. The majority of Chinese people are all for the war, so for the first 2 turns, China receives an extra 10 IPC's to their income. If you need any information contact me (James A. Kilner) at Kilnerad@northern.Icbe.edu.on.ca Note - this sounds like it could be made into a tripleA game easily.