| - Na początku gry Carlo pracuje jako Oszust w karierze przestępczej. Posiada 7 punktów umiejętności malowania, 5 sportu, 4 gotowania oraz 1 punkt majsterkowania Nie wiadomo, czy jest spokrewniony ze zmarłym Marciem Mancini.
- Carlo Mancini was head of security on a train transporting a Cybertek project.
- Carlo Mancini was an ex-Special Forces mercenary employed by Cybertek to provide security, and to safeguard the transportation of merchandise across Italy.
- Carlo Mancini was the head of security in a train transporting a secret project developed by Cybertek and acquired by Ian Quinn. He was killed by Deathlok when the Clairvoyant became angry that Mancini's men had brought S.H.I.E.L.D. to their location.
- Carlo Mancini was the head of security in a train transporting a secret project developed by Cybertek and acquired by Ian Quinn. He was killed by Deathlok when the Clairvoyant became angry that Mancini's men had brought S.H.I.E.L.D.to their location.
- Carlo Mancini es un Sim que vive en Monte Vista con su hermano menor, Camillo Mancini . Es un líder natural, pero su padre murió demasiado pronto, dejando a Carlo solo con demasiadas responsabilidades, incluyendo la obligación de asegurar la felicidad de su joven hermano. También se dice que los dos hermanos fueron expulsados de su casa y totalmente arruinado por Su Lin Chang, y esto podría explicar la disputa de su hermano Mancini a Su Lin y su esposo.