| - ⁃ Baby Odette - Baby Kiara (Lion King 2) ⁃ Young Odette/Mid-teen Odette/Young Adult Odette - Young Kiara (Lion King 2) - Adult Odette - Adult Kiara (Lion King 2) - Swan Odette - Marina (Pebble and the Penguin) ⁃ Young Derek/Mid-teen Derek/Young Adult Derek - Young Kovu (Lion King 2) ⁃Adult Derek - Adult Kovu (Lion King 2) - Rothbart - Carface (All Dogs Go to Heaven) - Great Animal - Shan-Yu (Mulan) - Jean-Bob - Oscar (Shark Tale) - Speed - Donkey (Shrek series) - Puffin - Petrie (Land Before Time series) -Queen Uberta - Nala (Lion King series) - King William - Simba (Lion King series) - Lord Rogers - Charlie (All Dogs Go to Heaven series) - Bromley - Icthy (All Dogs Go to Heaven series) - Chamberlain - Sid (Ice Age series) - Bridget - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmations) - Other characters: Palace Band/Target Practice Animals (During the "Practice, Practice, Practice" song sequence); Alligators in the Moat; Princesses on Parade - Various characters from various movies and TV series Princesses on Parade: Various female animals: Vitani, Kanga, Mrs Jumbo, The Gossiping Elephants, Jewel, Winifred Palace Band/Target Practice Animals: Various male animals: Blu, Kaa, Baloo, Buzzy, Flaps, Dizzy, Ziggy, Rabbit Alligators in the Moat: ??? 1.
* The Lion King series 2.
* Shark Tale 3.
* Mulan 4.
* Ice Age 5.
* 101 Dalmations 6.
* Shrek 7.
* Pebble and the Penguin 8.
* Land Before Time
* Mulan 9.
* All Dogs Go to Heaven 10.
* Jungle Book 11.
* Rio 12.
* Winnie the Pooh series 13.
* Various shows/movies