| - "We'll take the Iron Might at night, by surprise. If we fail, they'll think us weak."
- "What is the Iron Might?"
- Rona coughs. "Of course, my [lord/lady], but I think the point is they wish us to do it for them, to show our strength...and our obedience."
- "Is House Greyjoy not able to take her for themselves?"
- "House Greyjoy issues a challenge... They wish us to capture the Iron Might and give her to them as a gesture of our loyalty and prowess."
- "It's a very fine longship, my [lord/lady]," Lucas replies. "One of the most coveted among the Ironborn, and difficult to take by force."
- A fine longship, and a fitting tribute to House Greyjoy. Her crew will defend her fiercely from all takers.
- "Take the Iron Might by force where all can see us, and tremble at our strength."