| - Isabelle sucht weiter Bens Nähe, was diesen überfordert. Zu Isabelles Enttäuschung lädt Ben Franziska und Florian ein, mit ihnen an der Spielkonsole zu zocken. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Ben in Wirklichkeit nicht mit ihr allein sein will. Doch Isabelle sehnt sich danach, dass endlich alles wie früher ist und setzt alles auf eine Karte. Vanessa erbt Jennys Firmenanteile. Während Axel sauer ist, dass er leer ausgeht, müssen Richard und Simone sich mit Jennys Vorwürfen auseinander setzen. Vor allem Simone lässt der Gedanke, dass ihr die Firma wichtiger als ihre Töchter zu sein schien, nicht los und sie fragt sich, ob Vanessa dieses schwere Erbe wirklich antreten soll. Tom erkennt, wie bedrückt Annette über den unharmonischen Abschied von Ingo ist. Er rät ihr, ihm zum Flughafen zu folgen und sich zu
- Gerard confronts Julia about the earring and demands to know what she wants at Collinwood. Julia takes offence to the fact that Gerard was in her room and stands firm that she arrived at Collinwood earlier that evening, not two days ago. Gerard explains he had a feeling the earring belonged to a strange woman who dressed differently, and Julia wonders if he is a psychic. He says he isn't from a professional standpoint, but promises he will solve the mystery of the earring. Ben shows up, much to Julia's relief. Gerard excuses himself and Ben and Julia go into the drawing room. Julia is frightened and knows that Gerard doesn't believe anything about her story. Ben tells her to stay away from Gerard as much as she can. He also informs her there were many attacks in the village the previous ni
| - Gerard confronts Julia about the earring and demands to know what she wants at Collinwood. Julia takes offence to the fact that Gerard was in her room and stands firm that she arrived at Collinwood earlier that evening, not two days ago. Gerard explains he had a feeling the earring belonged to a strange woman who dressed differently, and Julia wonders if he is a psychic. He says he isn't from a professional standpoint, but promises he will solve the mystery of the earring. Ben shows up, much to Julia's relief. Gerard excuses himself and Ben and Julia go into the drawing room. Julia is frightened and knows that Gerard doesn't believe anything about her story. Ben tells her to stay away from Gerard as much as she can. He also informs her there were many attacks in the village the previous night, and he has been unable to find Barnabas' coffin. That night at the Old House, Barnabas goes to Josette's room and gazes at her portrait. He happily tells her he is finally free again, but sadly admits to himself he must begin a new life without her. He removes her portrait from the fireplace and turns it so it is facing away from anyone who might be in the room. He turns around and sees Ben watching him. Barnabas isn't surprised that Ben found him in Josette's room, but promises him he is ready to move on without Josette and understands he can never have her. He also promises him that he will not ask Ben for any favours as he did in 1795, and only wants to be left alone. Ben again tries to convince Barnabas to return to his coffin, but he refuses, and is willing to take whatever chance is necessary. Back at Collinwood, Gerard receives a letter from Flora and he successfully figures out what he says before opening it, much to the amazement of Leticia. Gerard reminds her that he gave her "a new life" at Collinwood, and there is plenty of money waiting to be had. Julia walks in and cuts their secret meeting short, and Gerard tells her that Leticia actually is a professional psychic, unlike himself. Gerard leaves to go back to Rose Cottage, and Julia asks Leticia if she can see Collinwood far into the future. Leticia laughs at the fact she wants to see what it's like in a particular year such as 1970. Julia makes up a story that she had a dream about that year, and Leticia goes into a trance. She can see the drawing room in the future, but it smells like gas and smoke. Leticia's vision ends, and Julia can only wonder what Barnabas is doing in the future. Meanwhile in 1970, the remaining survivors of the destruction of Collinwood have sought refuge at the Old House. Professor Stokes returns and finds a visibly shaken Barnabas sitting in the drawing room. Stokes has just attended the funeral of Elizabeth, Daphne, David and Hallie, all of whom were killed by Gerard in the massacre at Collinwood. Barnabas says he couldn't bring himself to go to the funeral, and is worried about Julia. Stokes apologizes for going to Europe on short notice, but he thought he could bring someone back to Collinwood to exorcise the house. Barnabas declares he must find Julia by any means necessary. Stokes believes Julia has returned to 1995 since that's where the stairs led from, but Barnabas thinks she could have only ended up in 1840, because that's where everything began. Stokes assumes Barnabas is going to use the I Ching wands to travel through time again, and warns that it is very dangerous. Soon, Carolyn walks downstairs, now mentally insane and in the same state as she was in 1995. She cheerfully asks Barnabas if she can take David and Hallie on a trip while Elizabeth is "away," but then reverts to her normal state and wonders who "those men" were who set fire to Collinwood. She quickly excuses herself, and Stokes says they need to get her to a psychiatrist immediately. Barnabas says Carolyn isn't going to harm anyone, but Stokes reminds him there is another problem: Quentin. In Josette's room, Quentin has set up a noose and prepares to hang himself. Carolyn stops Quentin from killing himself, and Barnabas and Stokes soon rush in. Quentin is insane and heartbroken, and wants to die so he can be with Daphne. He then tries to strangle Stokes, who he feels bailed on the family, but Barnabas is able to calm him down. Barnabas decides he must be sent to Windcliff immediately. Later that night, Stokes returns from Windcliff after having dropped Quentin off. Barnabas feels badly for Quentin because he knows the doctors there will be unable to help him get over Daphne. Stokes reluctantly agrees to let Barnabas try the I Ching wands, and Barnabas tells him that Willie will guard him if their plan succeeds. Stokes leaves to take Carolyn to the beach house, which was her last request to Barnabas. Once he is gone, Barnabas goes to the secret room behind the book case. Roxanne's coffin is still there, and Barnabas tells her that Sebastian is gone forever, but he is going back to her own time to try to change her fate. After closing up the secret room, Barnabas throws the I Ching wands on a table and goes into a trance. He sees a door, similar to when he travelled to 1897. When the door opens, he sees Julia's grave in 1840.
- Isabelle sucht weiter Bens Nähe, was diesen überfordert. Zu Isabelles Enttäuschung lädt Ben Franziska und Florian ein, mit ihnen an der Spielkonsole zu zocken. Sie ahnt nicht, dass Ben in Wirklichkeit nicht mit ihr allein sein will. Doch Isabelle sehnt sich danach, dass endlich alles wie früher ist und setzt alles auf eine Karte. Vanessa erbt Jennys Firmenanteile. Während Axel sauer ist, dass er leer ausgeht, müssen Richard und Simone sich mit Jennys Vorwürfen auseinander setzen. Vor allem Simone lässt der Gedanke, dass ihr die Firma wichtiger als ihre Töchter zu sein schien, nicht los und sie fragt sich, ob Vanessa dieses schwere Erbe wirklich antreten soll. Tom erkennt, wie bedrückt Annette über den unharmonischen Abschied von Ingo ist. Er rät ihr, ihm zum Flughafen zu folgen und sich zu versöhnen. Annette ist überglücklich, als sie und Ingo sich tatsächlich noch versöhnt verabschieden können. Auch Ingo ist Tom dankbar für seine Unterstützung, und so bittet er ihn, während seiner Abwesenheit auf Annette aufzupassen.