| - A character who carries more than one type of melee weapon. Frequently, he carries a short-ranged weapon and a long-reach weapon. That, or a weapon that is good for offense and defense. He tends to have trouble changing between them, though, as it means he has to draw the new weapon and dispose of the old one somehow. Subtrope of Choice of Two Weapons. May also be a Walking Armory, if he doesn't use a Swiss Army Weapon instead. For the ranged weapon version, see Multi Ranged Master. Examples of Multi Melee Master include:
| - A character who carries more than one type of melee weapon. Frequently, he carries a short-ranged weapon and a long-reach weapon. That, or a weapon that is good for offense and defense. He tends to have trouble changing between them, though, as it means he has to draw the new weapon and dispose of the old one somehow. This can be rather tricky to do in real life, as different types of melee weapon can require radically different styles. This is most evident when it comes to weapons with hugely divergent physical properties. A swordsman can use an axe or spear with relative ease, but a flail's physical attributes are different enough for it to require entirely separate training and methods. Even among swords, remember that All Swords Are the Same is false; one uses a katana differently from a rapier or a broadsword. Note that this is carrying two different styles of melee weapon. A person who carries two one-handed swords in case one breaks is not this trope, thats just someone who carries an Emergency Weapon. A person who carries, say, a short sword and a shield, and a two handed sword, in case they need more offence or defence, is this trope. Note also that this is not Dual-Wielding. This is when characters switch between two different melee weapons depending on the situation. If they wield both weapons at the same time, that is Dual-Wielding, not Multi Melee Master. Though a Multi Melee Master who then dual wields said weapons in a one-off occurrance can set him or herself up for a Crowning Moment of Awesome. Subtrope of Choice of Two Weapons. May also be a Walking Armory, if he doesn't use a Swiss Army Weapon instead. For the ranged weapon version, see Multi Ranged Master. Examples of Multi Melee Master include: