| - The session opened with the party arriving back at the Black Band base with a celebrating crew and welcoming party. The Black Band immediately broke out the festivities in honor of the success of the mission. There was drinking and gambling, and amidst the chaos, Atterum approached Dax and asked him for a moment in private. The party enjoyed the festivities a little, but they had noticed their prayer transceiver modules had ceased working. Amber sent off prayers to Viridian, Plentimon, and Taru-Kul hoping to get some answers, or at least let people know of the situation.
| - The session opened with the party arriving back at the Black Band base with a celebrating crew and welcoming party. The Black Band immediately broke out the festivities in honor of the success of the mission. There was drinking and gambling, and amidst the chaos, Atterum approached Dax and asked him for a moment in private. The party joined Atterum in a private room, and he told them he was going to break a few cardinal rules of the Black Band. He pulled out a bottle and presented it to Dax, telling him it was his lost memory of his time with the Band, and that drinking it in the Wyld would restore his lost time. He also gave him a black jade horn, telling him he would understand what it did once he drank the memory. The party enjoyed the festivities a little, but they had noticed their prayer transceiver modules had ceased working. Amber sent off prayers to Viridian, Plentimon, and Taru-Kul hoping to get some answers, or at least let people know of the situation. The next morning they departed for the Mother's Sanctum. There, they spent some time fashioning artifacts out of materials they had gathered using the Maker's Loom, including a key to Yu-Shan and a couple combat-oriented spellstones. They also made a mixture using the Phoenix Cauldron, dubbing it "The Flame That Marched Against the Sea," that mixes with water to create a holy flame. They headed north to the Wyld, and Fern used her increasing prowess to slightly modify Largo at his request. Dax downed the bottle, and memories came flooding back to him, manifesting in his mind and his surroundings. He recalled his time spent with the Black Band, years of pirating and sailing. He recalled an attack from undead and ghosts, when he and Atterum were on the same ship, with eels crawling up out of the water and implanting the fallen, reanimating them into zombies. Dax had barely managed to wipe out the opponents, which had been led by an Abyssal, and Atterum was wounded. The rest of the crew was dead. Not seeing any other option, Atterum had directed the ship to a small island nearby and blown the black horn. Black-robed monks had shown up and tended to Atterum's wounds, and they told Dax about the Emissaries of Perfect Water. The group was dedicated to protecting the West, and they worshiped the spirits of Okeanos, the sunken continent. Given Dax's connection and that he had saved Atterum's life, Atterum being a particularly high-ranking member, he was quickly initiated. However, many of the others were not pleased with his membership, as they likened him with an Abyssal from years before. An Abyssal named Scourge of the Crimson Tide, who had been present when Dax's village had been raided. He had received the Black Exaltation while a mortal member of the Emissaries, and had caused a lot of death and problems to them. Dax had spent the rest of his time with Atterum, who still felt like he owed Dax a debt. In all, Dax's membership in the Emissaries had changed little, as he still worked under Atterum with the Black Band.