| - Following the discovery of QCI theory by Benjamin Eyrie, energy production was revolutionized. Antimatter could be drawn from parallel universes and used to produce enormous amounts of power. While not unlimited, the amount of energy that could be generated was enough for the construction of practical interplanetary spacecraft. Solar System General, Inc., was a large corporation that aided in the colonization of planets and asteroids. Following the discovery of vast amounts of copper, iron, titanium, various ores and minerals, as well as many varieties of rare Earth metals in the worlds of the solar system, interplanetary trade became a booming activity.
| - Following the discovery of QCI theory by Benjamin Eyrie, energy production was revolutionized. Antimatter could be drawn from parallel universes and used to produce enormous amounts of power. While not unlimited, the amount of energy that could be generated was enough for the construction of practical interplanetary spacecraft. Solar System General, Inc., was a large corporation that aided in the colonization of planets and asteroids. Following the discovery of vast amounts of copper, iron, titanium, various ores and minerals, as well as many varieties of rare Earth metals in the worlds of the solar system, interplanetary trade became a booming activity. Europe, America, and the Nigerian Empire were the only nations left in the 2090s (for an explanation, see ). Control over the Interplanetary mines and trade routes led to an extremely costly and bloody conflict between the three superpowers that culminated in the Treaty of Lagos in 2112, which left the entire Solar System in the power of Nigeria. The Nigerian Star Empire (a somewhat confusing title, as it was an interplanetary, not an interstellar, government) ruled the worlds for over a century.