| - Verus is one of the Twinblades of the Deceiver, the other being Muramas. It is part of the artifact weapon set intended for havoc demon hunters.
- Verus is a custom Light Frame based Skell model with an output that rivals a Medium Frame model's. However, this model's very high performance is offset by its Fuel capacity, stemming from its light frame. The level 30 Verus frame costs 268,000 Credits and the level 50 frame costs 2,150,000 Credits. Its standard equipment is the shoulder-mounted "G-Buster", specially developed alongside this model building.
- A self-proclaimed, legendary Spiriter, and a great warrior in his youth, Verus had connections all over the Baten Kaitos Universe and his name alone could grant one an audience with leaders of the other Nations. Originating from a wealthy background, Verus was one of the many priveleged citizens of Alfard and had the money and legacy to live a life of comfort. He was seen as a charming and polite man who went the extra mile to aid Alfard and the other nations. However, Verus was truly a highly unstable man with a lust for blood and power at any cost.
| - Verus is one of the Twinblades of the Deceiver, the other being Muramas. It is part of the artifact weapon set intended for havoc demon hunters.
- Verus is a custom Light Frame based Skell model with an output that rivals a Medium Frame model's. However, this model's very high performance is offset by its Fuel capacity, stemming from its light frame. The level 30 Verus frame costs 268,000 Credits and the level 50 frame costs 2,150,000 Credits. Its standard equipment is the shoulder-mounted "G-Buster", specially developed alongside this model building.
- A self-proclaimed, legendary Spiriter, and a great warrior in his youth, Verus had connections all over the Baten Kaitos Universe and his name alone could grant one an audience with leaders of the other Nations. Originating from a wealthy background, Verus was one of the many priveleged citizens of Alfard and had the money and legacy to live a life of comfort. He was seen as a charming and polite man who went the extra mile to aid Alfard and the other nations. However, Verus was truly a highly unstable man with a lust for blood and power at any cost. Verus immersed himself in the political world of the empire and eventually participated in the old wars, becoming impaired and ostensibly required a cane by the end of the conflicts. Though in appearance a noble soldier, Verus possessed instruments of torture within his estate. He was in actuality a sadistic and murderous war criminal who exploited the conflict to commit numerous counts of murder and torture and other war crimes, eventually going as far as to use his injury to make himself appear as an admirable war hero. After the wars, Verus was embittered and desired the power of emperor. It simply wasn't enough to be the respected quaester, the sadistic villain believed the empire rightfully belonged to him. This immense lust for power and feeling of entitlement attracted Wiseman, a vile sorcerer and villain who had been the instigator of the War of The Gods and has remained within the realm since, searching for someone to serve as his host. Verus seemed to be the perfect host for Wiseman; he was violent, manipulative, in a position of power and wealth, and was a natural at cruetly and sadisim, not much different at all from Wiseman himself. Verus accepted Wiseman into his heart to gain power, but this allowed Wiseman to use him as his puppet, slowly manipulating his actions for his own ends. Fifteen years prior to Baten Kaitos Origins, Verus' housemaid at Greater Mintaka, a beautiful woman named Gena, bore him a son named Sagi. While never explicitly stated, it is strongly implied that Sagi was conceived during a relationship between Verus and Gena. While Gena fell in love with Verus, the villain simply thought of her as a 'whore' and decided to use his son to further his own plans and ascent into power. To Gena's horror, imperial operatives came to seize her while she was pregnant with Sagi, unaware that it was Verus who informed Olgan of her pregnancy, and was sent off to become a part of the Maledieter project, a set of government experiments under Emperor Olgan, which Verus helped him conduct in order to create beings of immense power for his plans. Gena was kept within the dungeons of the imperial fortress, as was the case with hundreds of other abducted test subjects, where she eventually gave birth to Sagi, who was then inducted into the experiments. The Maledieter project attempted to produce artificial spiriters by binding "afterlings", leftover pieces of Malpercio's body, to human beings. Beings of unbelievable power could theoretically be made and used to conquer the other nations. Test subjects from adults to new born infants were abducted and used in the experiments, however many failed and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women, children, and infants. Among the test subjects used was Olgan's twelve year old son, Shanath, who was forced into the operation in an attempt to create the perfect imperial successor with the power of a Spiriter; this served as Olgan's ultimate desire in the project. Not everyone can just become a Spiriter though and Shanath was not a suitable candidate and his body rejected the afterling while still retaining some of its power. The horrid pain Shanath endured at his father's hand caused Shanath to despise his father, seeing him as a power hungry tyrant who cared more for power than his own son. Olgan in turn grew to be disgusted with his son for not being strong enough to be a Maledieter, though he still loved his son deep down, and the two had a falling out that lasted for years and was never resolved. Lord Baelheit, one of the leaders in the experiments, soon succeeded in creating a Spiriter, but it was far too unstable. As a result, the subject destroyed the entire facility, killing many, including Baelheit's wife and destroyed half of his daughter's body. Olgan then canceled the project, while Gena broke into the dungeons where the abducted test subject victims were held, rescued Sagi, and escaped the empire. Verus lost contact with his son after Gena fled with the child to Hassaleh. Verus only cared however about the potential and power his son had, who was the only subject to become perfectly assimilated with Malpercio's afterling. Gena on the other hand, continued to cherish her memories and time with Verus, unaware of his true nature and his role in her and Sagi's abduction. Gena was heartbroken over the course of these events, but vowed not to tell her son about his father or what happened to him in Alfard until he was old enough, believing that such a story would be too much of a burden on Sagi if he found out too soon. It is strongly implied that Gena still loved Verus, even fifteen years after losing contact with him, and nearly cried when given a portrait of him by Sagi, ironically when they were on the subject of the identity of Sagi's father. Olgan would order for the rest of the Maledieters to be released to hush the events up, but kept a list of all the subjects for possible future purposes. Baelheit in the meantime fled, but found solitude in the guardian spirit, Daimon, whom gave him the wisdom to create machina, which he invented as soon as he returned to the empire and saved his daughter, Milly, by binding her body to it. While the experiments were cancelled, Verus still accomplished his goal of creating beings infused with the very energies of Malpercio itself. One day, these beings would serve his ultimate desires of power and prestige and get him a step closer to assuming complete control over the empire, the empire he believed rightfully belonged to him.