| - By crafting/taking an Obsidian Fence for the first time, the recipe for Iron Fences and Obsidian Gates will be unlocked. To craft 8 (pieces of) Fences at a time you'll need (as of R30 in April 2016):
* 1x Melted Wax made of Beeswax in a Forge or looted from Wood Treasure Chests or Stone Treasure Chests
* 1 Stone Rod made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor or found in Stone Treasure Chests
* 2 Obsidian Rods made of Obsidian (bars) in a Processor or rarely found either in Iron Treasure Chests or Diamond Treasure Chests
* 2 Obsidian Slabs made of Obsidian (bars) in a Processor Obsidian Fences are designed to cage in (or hold off) Creatures and Pets, so they cannot climb over fences (nor gates) that are merely 1 block in height. However breaches in the enclosure or defence can be created by altitude differences or by placing items (like torches) directly on the top of Obsidian Fences. Also sometimes bugs can cause creatures to overcome these astrictions. Similar to Iron Bars, when only one Obsidian Fence is placed on the ground, it will look like a simple short post, and if you staple these, you can create long poles or lamp posts (by adding of any kind on top. When blocks or solid items like gates are (placed) right next to an Obsidian Fence, the fence will "connect" to that by enlargening horizontally. Placing two or more Obsidian Fences next to each other will automatically cause them to connect, also crosswise, but not diagonally (not crossing over more blocks than where they have been placed). Obsidian Fences can fill holes in the same way. Gates will not extend themselves to link with Obsidian Fences, only the other way round.