| - *Extreme Strength: His power is the ability to temporarily increase the muscle mass of his body to impossible levels. He cannot sustain this form for long however, as it causes massive strain on his body. His tattoos are made of vibranium and are there to control his power, but every time he uses his power he gets a little stronger, and soon the vibranium will fail, Nezhno's body will not be able to contain its own power, and Nezhno will die. If vibranium, one of the strongest metals in the Marvel Universe is not enough to contain his strength, Nezhno is one of the strongest characters in all of Marvel universe.
:*Superhuman Leaping Ability: Gentle is able to use his enhanced, highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. He is easily capable of leaping roughly three miles in a single bound.
:*Superhuman Durability: In addition to great strength, the Gentle's enhanced body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. His skin becomes impervious to conventional blades, high caliber bullets, powerful energy blasts, pressures extremes, and falls from orbital heights.
:*Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Gentle's enhanced, strong legs allow him to run at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. Nevertheless, this does not grant him any enhanced reflexes or agility as smaller foes exploit his size and use it to their advantage. However, he has been fast enough to catch mortar shells shot at him.