| - A nuclear warhead platform was a weapons delivery device that orbited a planet. On Earth in the late 20th century, the United States of America planned to launch its own orbital warhead in response to other world powers that had already deployed similar platforms. According to USS Enterprise Science officer Spock, "the sky was full of orbiting H-bombs" in the late 1960s. Captain Kirk understood these to be one of Earth's greatest problems during that era.
- By 1968 powers opposing the United States of America had launched platforms, prompting the USA to launch its own multi-warhead platform (from the McKinley Rocket Base). The Aegis deemed this an unacceptabley dangerous situation, akin to the events that had previously led to the destruction of Omicron IV, and so had its Earth agents, 201 and 347 plan to destroy the platform. The agents were killed in an automobile accident before they could complete their mission and Supervisor 194, aka Gary Seven, was sent to investigate and subsequently complete their mission. Seven was initially only partially sucessful in his objective, due to the interference of the crew of USS Enterprise, which had travelled back in time on a historical observation mission. Fortunately, James T. Kirk and Spock allowed
| - A nuclear warhead platform was a weapons delivery device that orbited a planet. On Earth in the late 20th century, the United States of America planned to launch its own orbital warhead in response to other world powers that had already deployed similar platforms. According to USS Enterprise Science officer Spock, "the sky was full of orbiting H-bombs" in the late 1960s. Captain Kirk understood these to be one of Earth's greatest problems during that era. This opinion was shared by the unidentified race that sent Gary Seven to Earth in 1968. It was their plan to cause the warhead to malfunction and detonate approximately one hundred miles above the planet's surface in order to frighten the Earth's governments away from using such weapons. Seven commented that the planet Omicron IV nearly destroyed itself over similar "nonsense." History records that the United States space agency, NASA, did launch such a platform in 1968 from McKinley Rocket Base. While not generally revealed, a malfunctioning suborbital warhead detonated exactly 104 miles above Earth's surface on the same date. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth" )
- By 1968 powers opposing the United States of America had launched platforms, prompting the USA to launch its own multi-warhead platform (from the McKinley Rocket Base). The Aegis deemed this an unacceptabley dangerous situation, akin to the events that had previously led to the destruction of Omicron IV, and so had its Earth agents, 201 and 347 plan to destroy the platform. The agents were killed in an automobile accident before they could complete their mission and Supervisor 194, aka Gary Seven, was sent to investigate and subsequently complete their mission. Seven was initially only partially sucessful in his objective, due to the interference of the crew of USS Enterprise, which had travelled back in time on a historical observation mission. Fortunately, James T. Kirk and Spock allowed Seven to complete his mission and destroy in the device in the air, before the then out-of-control rocket it had launched in crashed. What was subsequently seen as a near-fatal accident with the warhead platform prompted a new international agreement against the use of such weapons. (TOS episode: "Assignment: Earth") In 1971 Seven discovered evidence, originally found by Agents 201 and 347, but lost following their demise, which implicated Counter Strike in orchestrating the development of the platforms on Earth as one of their subversive plans to wipe out Humanity. (TOS comic: "We Have Met the Enemy...")