| - Lets face it, if a nuke went off, your PC would be f*cked.
- Nuclear War mentioned in a post to the newsgroup rec.mud September 5, 1994.
- If you're looking for a serious entry on nuclear holocaust, try World War III. Nuclear War is a card game designed by Douglas Malewicki and published by Flying Buffalo Games. It is a Satire of an end-of-the-world scenario fought mostly with nuclear weapons. Each player is in charge of a country, and the objective is to eliminate the populace of all other countries (players). While an opponent's population may be reduced with non-violent means (such as broadcasting propaganda that drives migration to other countries), the fastest and most frequent method is to launch nuclear warheads and vaporize millions. Other cards provide anti-missile defenses and specialized weapons systems like orbital platforms and unstoppable cruise missiles. Several expansions have been released, many of which can
- On Skaro, the Thousand Year War (and the neutronic war, if they were separate conflicts) was fought with nuclear weapons as well as chemical and biological arms. The result was massive deaths and mutations that eventually led to the creation of the Daleks. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, The Daleks) The planet Minyos was rendered uninhabitable by nuclear war, which had been indirectly caused by the Time Lords. (TV: Underworld) Atrios and Zeos were engaged in nuclear war for five years. (TV: The Armageddon Factor)
| - Lets face it, if a nuke went off, your PC would be f*cked.
- Nuclear War mentioned in a post to the newsgroup rec.mud September 5, 1994.
- On Skaro, the Thousand Year War (and the neutronic war, if they were separate conflicts) was fought with nuclear weapons as well as chemical and biological arms. The result was massive deaths and mutations that eventually led to the creation of the Daleks. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, The Daleks) The planet Minyos was rendered uninhabitable by nuclear war, which had been indirectly caused by the Time Lords. (TV: Underworld) Atrios and Zeos were engaged in nuclear war for five years. (TV: The Armageddon Factor) The planet Argolis was made uninhabitable and the Argolins made sterile after a twenty-minute nuclear war with the Foamasi. (TV: The Leisure Hive) The Earth colony on Eldair became divided into two superpowers that annihilated each other in a nuclear war. (PROSE: House) The Panjistri told the Kirithons that the original inhabitants of Kirith had destroyed themselves in a nuclear war, leaving only their ruins behind; this, like everything else the Panjistri told them, was a lie. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse) The civilisation of one planet destroyed itself in a nuclear war after a group of Eternals, for their own amusement, posed as gods and gave them knowledge of atomic power. Afterwards, they held a party in the ruins. (COMIC: Uninvited Guest)
- If you're looking for a serious entry on nuclear holocaust, try World War III. Nuclear War is a card game designed by Douglas Malewicki and published by Flying Buffalo Games. It is a Satire of an end-of-the-world scenario fought mostly with nuclear weapons. Each player is in charge of a country, and the objective is to eliminate the populace of all other countries (players). While an opponent's population may be reduced with non-violent means (such as broadcasting propaganda that drives migration to other countries), the fastest and most frequent method is to launch nuclear warheads and vaporize millions. Other cards provide anti-missile defenses and specialized weapons systems like orbital platforms and unstoppable cruise missiles. Several expansions have been released, many of which can be played separately or with the original game, and highlights the worries of the end-of-the-world scenarios -- including actual, theoretical and feared weapons -- at the time of their releases. Nuclear War is often described as a "beer and pretzels" game, perfect for players who want a game that's quick to get into and refuse to take themselves (or the subject matter) seriously. Most Nuclear War games end up with everyone destroyed, and lots of laughing over who produced the biggest fireball along the way. The original game has been inducted into the Origins Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame, and was named one of The Millennium's Best Card Games by Pyramid magazine. Though the game is largely obscure today, Flying Buffalo continues to support it. Their Nuclear War page can be found here.
* A Million Is a Statistic: "Got change for 10 million people?"
* Apocalypse How: Most games end with a Class 3a, extinction of all mankind in a worldwide nuclear disaster, but the rules allow a Class 4, extinction of most life on earth, or, if the results are wrong right, a Class X-2, SOLAR SYSTEM DESTROYING CHAIN REACTION!
* Atomic Hate: The game is full of this, in every platform possible.
* Black Comedy
* Cold War: The game was released during and satirizes the Cold War, as do most of its expansions. Weapons of Mass Destruction, naturally, satirizes the War on Terror.
* Death From Above
* Depopulation Bomb: In addition to the titular nuclear weapons, other methods of destroying your opponent's populace include engineered diseases and death-inducing speeches.
* Earthshattering Kaboom
* Later games make this possible if the 200-Megaton bomb's yield is doubled, as well.
* Gallows Humor
* Kill'Em All: Most of the time.
* The Plague: The "SuperGerm" card eliminates 25 million people when played; "SuperVirus" goes around the board, taking out each player's population on their turn. A later expansion introduces "Son of SuperGerm".
* Satire
* Taking You with Me: the aptly named "If I Can't Win, Everyone Dies" optional rule, under which a just-eliminated player who had a 100 megaton warhead but no launcher for it can detonate it in hopes of triggering an Earthshattering Kaboom.
* More formally, Final Retaliation. Nuked off the face of the earth with nothing but missiles and warheads? No reason to not send them to your new favourites..
* The World Is Always Doomed: Well, not always. Just two-thirds of the time, according to the company's statistics.