| - Railings are barriers that occur on the sides of the paved track. Of all the , they do the most damage per impact. They are not standalone items; they are actually part of a "track with railing" piece, whose model ID number is 11. Their effect on the behavior of AI cars, particularly in Need for Madness, is interesting; the cars appear to be unaware of their presence, often ramming right into them, then going back and forth along them, trying to get through, this is most expressed in When in Danger Just Chill Out, just before the first checkpoint, the AI cars if land between the railings will ram into them trying to get to the checkpoint, even if they've already gone through it, this is a perfect wasting advantage for the player. They can highly damage cars leading to cars being wasted.
- Railings are scenery found in Coal Trucks and Underground Pass. Examine: nice safety measure