| - Doug: Well, guys, if you tuned in last time, you know the Top 10 Movies I Hate But Everybody Else Seems to Love. Well, now's your revenge. These are the Top 10 Movies That I Like But Everybody Else Seems to Hate. Now, something I want to emphasize before I start this list. This is very important. None of these films I think are great films. I don't love any of these films. Uh, but I thought they were okay. I thought they were decent films. I'm glad I saw them. I acknowledge that all of them have problems. There's no, like, perfect film in there. "Why can't anyone see the genius?" It's nothing like that. But I'm glad I paid the money, I'm glad I saw them on the big screen, and I enjoyed them. So, like I said, if you didn't enjoy them, great. Doesn't say anything about you, about you being a
| - Doug: Well, guys, if you tuned in last time, you know the Top 10 Movies I Hate But Everybody Else Seems to Love. Well, now's your revenge. These are the Top 10 Movies That I Like But Everybody Else Seems to Hate. Now, something I want to emphasize before I start this list. This is very important. None of these films I think are great films. I don't love any of these films. Uh, but I thought they were okay. I thought they were decent films. I'm glad I saw them. I acknowledge that all of them have problems. There's no, like, perfect film in there. "Why can't anyone see the genius?" It's nothing like that. But I'm glad I paid the money, I'm glad I saw them on the big screen, and I enjoyed them. So, like I said, if you didn't enjoy them, great. Doesn't say anything about you, about you being a jerk or an idiot or anything like that. Um, so, like I said, you heard my spiel of the last video, so these are the Top 10 Films That I Enjoy, Nobody Else Seems To. (An image of Doug's face is shown as the title is shown. The image will serve as the countdown's interlude)