| - Thundurus was summoned by Giovanni with Meloetta and the Reveal Glass. By using the Reveal Glass, Giovanni forced Thundurus to transform into his Therian Forme, where he wreaked havoc by freezing a nearby town. During the battle, Pikachu absorbed some of his electricity, greatly powering up his Electro Ball. After Giovanni had abandoned him, Meloetta calmed Thundurus down with its singing.
- Giovanni's Golem took an appearance at the Viridian City's Gym. It was defeated quickly by Gary's Nidoking.
- Landorus was summoned by Giovanni with Meloetta and the Reveal Glass. By using the Reveal Glass, Giovanni forced Landorus to transform into his Therian Forme, where he wreaked havoc by freezing a nearby town. After Giovanni had abandoned him, Meloetta calmed Landorus down with its singing.
- Giovanni's Rhydon appeared at Viridian City's Gym, being defeated by Ash's Pidgeotto.
- Tornadus was summoned by Giovanni with Meloetta and the Reveal Glass. By using the Reveal Glass, Giovanni forced Tornadus to transform into his Therian Forme, where he wreaked havoc by freezing a nearby town. After Giovanni had abandoned him, Meloetta calmed Tornadus down with its singing.
- Giovanni's Persian's first appearance was at Viridian City's Gym. It always appears being petted by Giovanni. It was used to fight and defeat Ash's Pikachu when Giovanni meets Ash for the first time.
- Giovanni's Mewtwo was created by Giovanni's scientists on the Cinnabar Island. It first appeared in The Battle of the Badge in Giovanni's Gym battle with Gary Oak. It's so powerful it down Gary's Arcanine and Nidoking with little effort. When Gary tried to find what out Pokémon it was, Mewtwo overloaded his Pokédex. In It's Mr. Mime Time, Mewtwo escapes from Team Rocket Headquarters, destroying it in the process.
- Giovanni's Cloyster appeared in a water tank, serving as his pet.
- Meloetta was the key to Team Rocket's "Operation Tempest," and was attacked several times by the Team Rocket trio before finally being captured by Giovanni. He then used it to open a seal on the Abyssal Ruins, summoning the Reveal Glass.
- Giovanni's Kingler appeared fighting Ash's Bulbasaur at Viridian City's Gym.
- Giovanni's Machamp made an appearance at Viridian City's Gym, as it was defeated by Ash's Squirtle.