| - The Tal Prai'ex, or the Praetorian Guard, is a Romulan military force that protects the Praetor, Senators, and other dignitaries the Praetor desires to place under their protection. The Tal Prai'ex answers only to the Praetor and is unswervingly loyal to him. Praetors with military experience often appoint former military colleagues and subordinates to the Tal Prai'ex upon their installation, and garner many military supporters through the promise of a position in the Tal Prai'ex as a reward for loyalty and service.
- The Tal Prai'ex is an elite organization of warriors present within the Romulan Star Empire and are also known as the Praetorian Guard. They were known to have been the personal forces of the Emperor of the Romulan Star Empire. The Tal Prai'ex follows the regular chain of command within the Romulan Imperial Star Navy, however, their orders can be countermanded by any ranking member of the Imperial Household. All commanders of the Tal Prai'ex are expected to provide regular intelligence to the Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire.
| - The Tal Prai'ex is an elite organization of warriors present within the Romulan Star Empire and are also known as the Praetorian Guard. They were known to have been the personal forces of the Emperor of the Romulan Star Empire. The Tal Prai'ex follows the regular chain of command within the Romulan Imperial Star Navy, however, their orders can be countermanded by any ranking member of the Imperial Household. All commanders of the Tal Prai'ex are expected to provide regular intelligence to the Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire. The Tal Prai'ex serve as the space branch of the Praetorians who serve as elite marines. Just as the Praetorians serve as the best of body guards, the Tal Prai'ex serves as elite escorts to important Romulan starships. Acceptance within the Tal Prai'ex was one of the highest honors available to a member of the Star Empire. Its commanding officers were known for their fairness, honor, ability and their respect for the common people. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command)
- The Tal Prai'ex, or the Praetorian Guard, is a Romulan military force that protects the Praetor, Senators, and other dignitaries the Praetor desires to place under their protection. The Tal Prai'ex answers only to the Praetor and is unswervingly loyal to him. Praetors with military experience often appoint former military colleagues and subordinates to the Tal Prai'ex upon their installation, and garner many military supporters through the promise of a position in the Tal Prai'ex as a reward for loyalty and service. By tradition, the Tal Prai'ex is made up of a full legion of Romulan troops, along with the various support personnel and resources necessary to maintain them. The Tal Prai'ex has its own ships as well, including a fleet of D'deridex-class warbirds and support vessels. Traditionally, only the Tal Prai'ex may keep armed vessels in orbit around Romulus. The primary duties of the Tal Prai'ex include attending the Praetor at all public and ceremonial functions and escorting the Praetor wherever he may travel. On occasions when the Praetor must leave Romulus, he always travels on the flagship of the Tal Prai'ex, escorted by other vessels. In addition to ceremonial duties, the Tal Prai'ex make a useful resource for the Praetor. Praetors have used members of the Guard as their personal agents, spies and assassins to carry out missions too sensitive to entrust to anyone else (especially if the Praetor happens to be out of favor with the Tal Shiar). Members of the Guard are sometimes appointed to positions on ships or outposts in the camp of particular senators, either to support the Praetor's allies or to spy on their political enemies. It is rumored the Praetor has Guard members within the Tal Shiar, to keep watch over the secret police and report any indications of disloyalty or deception. However, there is talk the Tal Shiar has agents in the Tal Prai'ex as well. Thus, the Tal Prai'ex and the Tal Shiar act as checks on each other's potentially dictatorial power.