| - Dragonets are young dragons, much like children and teenagers are to humans. The Dragonets of Destiny are perhaps the one of the most famous groups of dragonets in Pyrrhia history. Dragons are considered biological adults at the age of seven, but aren't usually considered social adults until around eight to ten years, as seen in The Dark Secret. Therefore, the dragonets of the prophecy would be considered adolescents, as it mentions in The Dragonet Prophecy that they are six years old. Dragonets one year of age are capable of speaking and voicing opinions, with Princess Anemone being an example, which suggests that dragonets begin to age quickly, with their aging process gradually slowing down as they live. Dragonets are sometimes able to say some words as soon as they are born, as shown in Moon Rising with Moonwatcher. According to the guardians of the Dragonets of Destiny and Blister, dragonets don't know what's best for them, similar to what some adults may say about children or teens. It is unknown when dragonets learn to fly, but dragonets as young as one year have been shown flying, like Anemone. In The Hidden Kingdom, when Glory got captured by the NightWings, Glory doubts Kinkajou's flight abilities (even though she was three). This might suggest that the speed at which dragons learn to fly is likely to differ per dragonet or tribe. In Escaping Peril, it is mentioned that SkyWing dragonets learn to fly very quickly compared to other tribes, a few weeks after hatching, partly because they have an entire room dedicated to dragonets learning to fly and are also famous for their flying abilities. In Escaping Peril, SkyWing dragonets are shown to muddle up words and negatives, such as mistaking the word "imposter" with "opossum", similar to a toddler learning to speak. Other tribes' dragonets do this as well.