| - Nack continues his criminal campaign unabated while Tails recovers - but despite his bruising encounter with Nack, Tails is in no way deterred - he has grown in his years as one of the Freedom Fighters and this is a vital matter which will prove that he is a hero in his own right, and not merely a sidekick. He continues his pursuit, and tracks down Nack to a condemned warehouse in the Metropolis Zone's harbour district - only to discover that it is a trap. Nack has mined the warehouse, and the whole structure explodes in a massive fireball... ...Tails is flung into the river by the force of the blast, but he recovers and swims to a pier on the far bank rather than drowning. Still his spirit is undimmed (despite the incredulity of bystanders who witnessed the explosion), and as Tails looks to the sky to muster himself, who should he see but Nack, framed against the moon, departing with his ship laden down with even more swag from a successful robbery. Tails launches off after him, and with his fortitude reinforced (and wise to Nack's tricks), he successfully wrestles with Nack, knocking the villain's ship out of control and sending it falling down towards to river. Nack kicks Tails away, but it is too late to change the ship's course and it plunges into the water, being dragged under in a fast current. It is assumed that Nack drowned in the crash, but he actually survived. He has no more than a sneer for Tails as he watches the fox be lauded by the news cameras - even if Tails has extracted some kudos out of the event, Nack believes that things actually worked out best for himself. Now that Nack is believed dead no-one will be looking for him as he conducts his various dastardly enterprises, and even if he lost one load of goods he still has large quantities of equipment from his earlier robberies to bring his plots to fruition. Tails is the hero of the hour, but Nack is determined to extract a high price from him for the gloss of fame from the victory.