| - CT-9910, often called Nine-Ten, nicknamed Ghost, was a mysterious clone trooper of the Great Clone Forces that served for the Galactic Republic. Despite his grim name, Ghost proved to be a proficient combatant, often taking the lives of the enemy in silent. He was one of the closest troopers to Arc, apart from the members of the First Division.
| - CT-9910, often called Nine-Ten, nicknamed Ghost, was a mysterious clone trooper of the Great Clone Forces that served for the Galactic Republic. Despite his grim name, Ghost proved to be a proficient combatant, often taking the lives of the enemy in silent. He was one of the closest troopers to Arc, apart from the members of the First Division. Later on in the war, during the issuing of Order 51, Ghost managed to survive the attacks of his fellow teammates. Eventually, he met up with some other troopers who were defective against the order. They formed a brand new faction called the Clone Rebel Alliance to destroy the Dark Galactic Republic. The Alliance began attacking Republic outposts in remote systems, thus beginning the Third Clone Wars. Ghost was one of the rebel soldiers, and he was a great scout during recon missions. Unfortunately Ghost was killed when the team was ambushed by spider droids on Sirv(a).