| - Paulin: Yes. May I help you? ... Oh! You're an Aisling. I've seen him a little. I might have. I get it confused. One time a letter was open that I might have passed my eyes over. Things. Somethings like: I need to secure this pact before it's too late. It's life or death like you wouldn't understand. He's a horrid sleeper. He groans something I wouldn't believe. I might have heard a few things When the servant woman arrived, the servant says that in his room was the markings of a six-pointed star. She saw a ritualized dagger, like a wizard would use, strange burning incenses, and a shadow that was palpable. She's not well. She hasn't been well since her night of howls. I hope she recovers soon, but I can't say. She's not well, and I... would like to see her get better, if she could, here. If not, then anywhere. Not many come to see her, althought the noises make you wonder. Yes. A boy named Matthieu, a messenger, has visited her. You could recognize that he wasn't well-to-do. He was missing a tooth on the right side of his mouth. At least he dressed as a messenger, including the velvet braid in his vest. But his message was written on his heart and not on any scroll. He was the only one who loves her. I certainly didn't smell anything unusual... Sorry, it's a joke. I can't smell. No need to apologize. I'd hate to be like Jay, the jester whose been in the sewers and CAN smell. Once when her lover, the messenger, was here she shared a secret with him. I could tell it was a secret by how silent they were. It was something about love and a promise. He promised to bring something to make her well.