| - What can I tell you about my background? Hmmm… well, I was born Lee Ferric to Lee Sr. and Nadine Ferric on Coruscant twenty-two years ago. I had a relatively normal childhood up to the age of 10, when my little brother Kyle was born. My mother died giving birth to him. I never blamed him, but my father did. He threw Kyle out into the alley behind our tower block. I retrieved my little brother, stole as much money and food from my father as I could and then left.Kyle and I lived on the streets for about 8 years, scrounging a living, until one night Kyle got sick. I decided we should break into an old dilapidated mechanics shop, assuming it was empty. That’s when Jarren found us, curled up asleep in the back of an old speeder in his workshop. He fed us, took us in and became a better father
| - What can I tell you about my background? Hmmm… well, I was born Lee Ferric to Lee Sr. and Nadine Ferric on Coruscant twenty-two years ago. I had a relatively normal childhood up to the age of 10, when my little brother Kyle was born. My mother died giving birth to him. I never blamed him, but my father did. He threw Kyle out into the alley behind our tower block. I retrieved my little brother, stole as much money and food from my father as I could and then left.Kyle and I lived on the streets for about 8 years, scrounging a living, until one night Kyle got sick. I decided we should break into an old dilapidated mechanics shop, assuming it was empty. That’s when Jarren found us, curled up asleep in the back of an old speeder in his workshop. He fed us, took us in and became a better father than Lee Sr. could have ever hoped to be. He taught us mathematics, mechanics, and eventually gave me his business when he retired.I was 21 and I had my own business, 3 years before that I had been a street rat. Over the next 3 years I improved and expanded the business, winning numerous commercial contracts. I even put two rival companies out of business. With Kyle as my apprentice and Jarren as our mentor, we were going from strength to strength. I even managed to get my hands on an old republic ARC-170 starfighter from the Clone Wars and restore it and make some modifications.Then it all went wrong, two months before my 25th birthday. The heads of the two companies I had put out of business hired a bounty hunter to kill me. One night, they arrived at our home and razed it to the ground. I was up beyond the atmosphere testing out the Hyperdrive on the ARC-170. When I returned, I found the charred bodies of Jarren and Kyle among the wreckage. I screamed into the night, all the sadness and pain and rage and fury exploding from me. Pieces of rubble circled round me like a cyclone. I had discovered my connection to the force, but had little idea what to do with it at the time.My revenge on those who had paid the bounty hunter was quick and poetic. Firing incendiary missiles into the foundation columns of their tower-block homes, I watched as the burning ruins crashed to the ground. I cared not for their families and the other tenants who died with them. I managed to track the bounty hunter shortly after he left Coruscant, blowing his starship to pieces as it left orbit.From then, I had been searching for my place in the galaxy. I thought I had found my place in the Sith Empire, originally under the tutelage of Lord Hydrocus prior his defection and then under Sith Council Member, Master Maize Wayne. When I found out Kyle was still alive however, I made my way here to Yavin VIII and the Students of the Light, where I search for my redemption.Background
Here you can list the events of your characters past. Tell us all about your characters history and past actions.Family
Lee Ferric Sr. – Father - Wealthy businessman, Location Unknown Nadine Ferric – Mother – Occupation Unknown, Deceased Kyle (Ferric) Sin Quan – Brother – Mechanic, Jedi Padawan Jarren Sin Quan – Adopted Father – Mechanic, Deceased Sophia Sin Quan – Wife and full time mother Jay Sin Quan – Son to Lee and Sophia