| - Authors seem to like giving characters funny-colored eyes. Hair too. Often the colors are pretty much never found in life. Common ones include gold, red, purple, silver, mixed, and various other brilliant shades you're unlikely to see on anyone not wearing colored contacts and in some cases not even then. Common Eye Colors have their own stereotypes. This doesn't count for series that give strangely-coloured eyes to everyone and never bring it up. The eyes have to be special, in-story and out.
| - Authors seem to like giving characters funny-colored eyes. Hair too. Often the colors are pretty much never found in life. Common ones include gold, red, purple, silver, mixed, and various other brilliant shades you're unlikely to see on anyone not wearing colored contacts and in some cases not even then. Common Eye Colors have their own stereotypes. This doesn't count for series that give strangely-coloured eyes to everyone and never bring it up. The eyes have to be special, in-story and out.
* Curtains Match the Window
* Kaleidoscope Eyes
* Mismatched Eyes
* Purple Eyes, straddling the line between technicolor and "just might be found in real life"
* Uh-Oh Eyes
* Black Eyes of Crazy
* Black Eyes of Evil
* Evil Eye
* Eyes of Gold, straddles the line between technicolor and "found in real life," although it is common in a lot of species of animals
* Glowing Eyelights of Un-Death
* Glowing Eyes of Doom
* Hellish Pupils
* Hidden Eyes
* Mind Control Eyes
* Red Eyes, Take Warning Examples of Technicolor Eyes include: