| - {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read all about it! Former Mayor McDonough exposed as a synth!
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read about the ""Man Out of Time!"" Vault Dweller wakes up after 200 years!"
- So don't expect people around here to jump up and down looking to help you out.
- You gonna tell me what brought you to Diamond City now, mister?
- Yeah, you and every scavver in the Commonwealth. So what are you looking for, huh?
- {insulted} Fine. Don't listen to the little girl. Asshole.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, selling papers to a crowd} Everyone who's anyone reads Publick Occurrences!
- Watch your back. Institute could be right behind you.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Read all about it! Are synths replacing people? Is your neighbor really human? Read all about it!
- {Amused} Yeah, I'm definitely sending you to the right place. Good luck, lady.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} New issue of Publick Occurrences! ""View from the Vault""! An outsider's perspective on the Commonwealth!"
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} The latest news from the Commonwealth!
- {stretch out ""old"" - ""Man, you're ooooold""} You have a son, mister? Man, you're old."
- I know all the adults who go there won't admit it. Ain't that the way it is? No one's ever grateful for the people who help out the most.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Did the Institute wipe out the Railroad?
- You're in bad luck. No one tries to find missing people in Diamond City. Missing people means the Institute's involved.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read all about it! An outsider's perspective on Diamond City! Are we still the Green Jewel?
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Child kidnapped! Father braves dangers of the Commonwealth to find missing son!
- {Hurt that your sister won't talk to you. / Sad} Oh. Okay.
- It's all in the paper! Better read up before they grab you, too.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Has the boogeyman of the Commonwealth finally won?
- The Publick is here to pull the wool out from under your eyes.
- {handing the player the latest issue of the Publick} Special edition! Read up.
- {concerned about all the needed repairs} Well, the presses are getting overloaded. That motor is going to go soon if we don't replace it.
- {Happy} Piper! Piper! You're never gonna believe what happened! Sheng Kawolski tried to...
- Ain't got nothing better to do?
- Drifters, residents, stadium seat snobs. Seems every year or so, someone's gone, and we all know why.
- Fine. Sorry for asking. Geez.
- You gonna tell me what brought you to Diamond City now, lady?
- {Piper is walking away, not listening to you} Piper?
- Have it your way, lady. See ya.
- Have it your way, mister. See ya.
- Remember, the Institute's out there, newcomer. Watch your back.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Former Mayor McDonough exposed as synth! Killed attempting to flee city!
- Not getting any younger, here...
- {Amused} Yeah, I'm definitely sending you to the right place. Good luck, mister.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Is it finally safe to sleep at night?
- Read the paper, lady. Trust me.
- Read the paper, mister. Trust me.
- Selling papers is busy work, lady.
- Selling papers is busy work, mister.
- So what are you doing in Diamond City, anyway?
- So who is it?
- {emphasize ""that"" - ""Yeah, I've heard THAT before""} Yeah, I've heard that before."
- Uh... you got something to say, lady?
- Uh... you got something to say, mister?
- {stretch out ""old"" - ""Wow, you're ooooold""} You have a son, lady? Wow, you're old."
- Hey, newcomer. Free paper on the latest threat from the Insitute.
- Why? Is something wrong?
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Is the Institute now in control of the Commonwealth?
- Hey, lady. That interview you did with Piper is really selling. Here's your free copy.
- You can't stop the press.
- You have a son, mister? Man, you're old.
- But the real danger is in the newer models. Synths with real flesh and blood and guts and everything.
- New issue of Publick Occurrences! I wish I could've been there when you kicked Mayor McDonough's butt.
- Still looking for help? Good luck in this town. Everyone's way too scared of the Institute to lend a hand.
- {Happy} Piper!
- {Sad after being punished. / Sad} Man...
- {happy to see your sister} Piper! You're back.
- {sarcastic} Yeah, just take your time... *groan*
- {sigh, whimper} sigh
- {RE-RECORD: chuckling, amused by how clueless the player is / Amused} *chuckle* You're a real lost lamb in the wolf's den, mister.
- A bunch of stores that yell at you if you touch anything, and a mayor that yells at you if you say anything.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Get your copy of the Publick! We expose the truth behind the Institute!
- {insistent / Irritated} I'm serious. The Institute takes people! You should read up if you're sticking around.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Extra, extra! Is your neighbor really human? We have the exclusive!
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Read the Publick and be prepared!
- {Excited to tell the story, but grossed out by Sheng's attempted kiss. / Disgust} You're never going to believe what happened! Sheng Kawolski tried to kiss me.
- {Someone just said something strange to you. / Puzzled} Uh, okay.
- You ain't heard of the Institute, mister? They snatch people up in the night and no one hears from them again.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Fire in the sky! The Institute strikes again!
- {Irritated} Hey, I already gave you a free paper, free advice, and a free recommendation to the detective agency. My charity quota is full, got me?
- You ain't heard of the Institute, lady? They snatch people up in the night and no one hears from them again.
- {Amused} Yeah, you, me, and everyone else in this city.
- Everyone in town is afraid of being replaced, or that someone they know isn't human anymore.
- So you better be careful, newcomer. Institute's out there, and they'll grab you too. Like I said, it's all in the paper.
- And no one's going to want to get the Institute's attention.
- {handing the player the latest issue of the Publick} New issue of the Publick.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} McDonough flees city! Reveals himself to be Institute agent!
- {RE-RECORD: chuckling, amused by how clueless the player is / Amused} *chuckle* You're a real lost lamb in the wolf's den, lady.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Is the Institute spying on your home? Read the Publick to find out!
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read all about it! Vault Dweller says he lived with 1000 Guinea Pigs all his life!
- {Puzzled} You mean besides making the synths and using them to replace people? Or that they live in the shadows, and no one knows how to get to them?
- {usually it's adults who've been kidnapped} A baby? Wow. That's a new one. Usually it's adults.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Is Mayor McDonough telling the truth? What does he have to hide? Read the Publick for the hard questions!
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read the Publick! Is the Institute gone?
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} Read about the ""Woman Out of Time!"" Vault Dweller wakes up after 200 years!"
- {player asks about Synths} The Institute has been making them for years. The old ones are sort of human-looking, but you can tell they're robots.
- {excited to be proven right about people being kidnapped} Let me guess, that someone's gone missing, right? That's what I'm telling ya.
- You see a bunch of them out there in the Commonwealth. I heard they murder whole towns and carry what's left to who knows where.
- {shouting, high tempo, high energy, aggressively selling papers} City Council takes over as Former Mayor McDonough revealed to be synth!
- Free paper to newcomers. If the Institute grabs you in the night, at least we warned you.
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Read all about it! Institute replaces people with machines. Are you next?
- {RE-RECORD: higher tempo, more energy} Who's really in control of Diamond City? Read the Publick!