Hellraiser is a horror movie frachise that consists of eight movies and a comic book series. The franchise is based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker, who als wrote and directed the first film. The plotline of the series focuses on a puzzle box that serves as a gateway to another dimension inhabited by monsters called Cenobites who deiver an eternity of torture to those who solve and open the box.
There were three planed films that were canceled:
* Hellraiser: Hellfire: it was planed after Bloodline, but was canceled due to the fourth film being the last film in the franchise to be released theatrically.
* Helloween: Pinhead vs. Michael: A film where Pinhead was going to fight Michael Myers from the Halloween series.
* Hellraiser: Origins: A 2013 film canceled for unknown reasons, the only thing that exists from the film, is a two minute trailer.
Hellraiser is a horror movie frachise that consists of eight movies and a comic book series. The franchise is based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker, who als wrote and directed the first film. The plotline of the series focuses on a puzzle box that serves as a gateway to another dimension inhabited by monsters called Cenobites who deiver an eternity of torture to those who solve and open the box.
There were three planed films that were canceled:
* Hellraiser: Hellfire: it was planed after Bloodline, but was canceled due to the fourth film being the last film in the franchise to be released theatrically.
* Helloween: Pinhead vs. Michael: A film where Pinhead was going to fight Michael Myers from the Halloween series.
* Hellraiser: Origins: A 2013 film canceled for unknown reasons, the only thing that exists from the film, is a two minute trailer.