| - "Instant Spells" is a category of spells in Master of Magic. All spells within this category are meant to have a permanent or semi-permanent effect which does not require continuous investment of File:Icon Mana.png . In other words, an Instant Spell may leave a lasting impact on its target, but the spell itself disappears completely. This distinguishes between Instant Spells and the other major spell category, Enchantments. All Instant Spells must be cast on the overland map, and the majority of them must be targeted at a specific asset (unit, town, or something else). A few Instant Spells are targeted at other wizards, using special interfaces unique to these spells. Several Instant Spells require no target at all - affecting as many targets as they can find automatically. Several Instant Spells can be cast with more File:Icon Mana.png invested into them than required for the actual casting. This prolongs the spell's casting time, but will also increase the power of the spell - whether to do more damage or to have a higher chance of success. Once an Instant Spell is cast, it will perform its effect immediately. While the effect can last for a long time afterwards and/or have permanent repercussions, the Instant Spell itself dissipates immediately. As a result, the spell has no further presence in the game, its effect cannot be dispelled or canceled, and there are no Upkeep Costs to be paid in order to maintain that effect. There is a total of 38 different Instant Spells in Master of Magic, belonging to different Realms. 8 of them belong to the File:Icon Nature.png realm, whose Instant Spells have a wide variety of effects for different purposes. 8 Instant Spells belong to the File:Icon Sorcery.png Realm, and are mainly used to remove enemy spells from the game or prevent them from being cast in the first place. The File:Icon Life.png realm has the fewest Instant Spells (2).