| - Recreation officer is a billet of the Medical Division aboard United Federation of Planets Starfleet ships and stations. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky, TOS novel: My Enemy, My Ally) In 2264, the unnamed recreation officer knew all of the Enterprise's officers' athletic skills and recommended that Captain Kirk teach a judo class. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure) The billet was called recreation director in this novel. The training for such a billet have not been outlined any pro or fan fiction, though presumably there is a specific curriculum at Starfleet Medical Academy.
- A recreation officer was a title given to an officer aboard a starship who supervised the ship's recreation facilities. Recreation officers managed a ship's recreation decks, recreation rooms, observation decks, gymnasiums and holodecks. They provided various games, sports, books to read, and other forms of entertainment to off-duty crew-members, and organized mass briefings, social functions and memorial services. They also played host to visitors, and provided facilities and foods appropriate to their biological and cultural requirements.
| - Recreation officer is a billet of the Medical Division aboard United Federation of Planets Starfleet ships and stations. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky, TOS novel: My Enemy, My Ally) In 2264, the unnamed recreation officer knew all of the Enterprise's officers' athletic skills and recommended that Captain Kirk teach a judo class. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure) The billet was called recreation director in this novel. As exemplified by the duties taken on by Lieutenant Harb Tanzer on Enterprise in the 2270s, the billet included: maintaining the morale and mental health of the officers and crew aboard; servicing as chaplain or counselor in the absence of personnel to fill those billets; and supervising any and all recreational facilities. The training for such a billet have not been outlined any pro or fan fiction, though presumably there is a specific curriculum at Starfleet Medical Academy. Lieutenant Hasslein was the recreation officer on Shadowstar Station in the 2290s. (Star Trek: Shadowstar Station: "Pomp and Circumstantial Evidence")
- A recreation officer was a title given to an officer aboard a starship who supervised the ship's recreation facilities. Recreation officers managed a ship's recreation decks, recreation rooms, observation decks, gymnasiums and holodecks. They provided various games, sports, books to read, and other forms of entertainment to off-duty crew-members, and organized mass briefings, social functions and memorial services. They also played host to visitors, and provided facilities and foods appropriate to their biological and cultural requirements. As 23rd century holographic projections have been seen in the rec room in the TAS episode: "The Practical Joker", and recreation officer Harb Tanzer managed such projections, it seems reasonable to assume that 24th century holodecks also fall under the purview of recreation officers of that era. In Starfleet, Recreation was a sub-division of the medical division, and recreation officers reported directly to the chief medical officer. A medical officer could prescribe recreation to those they felt needed a break. In turn, a recreation officer could report on crew morale, battle-readiness and physical and mental health. Recreation was usually a small department, but considered quite important to maintain and boost morale. The head of the recreation department was called the chief of recreation, or recreation chief. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: My Enemy, My Ally; TOS novels: Mission to Horatius, The Wounded Sky, Spock's World, Rules of Engagement)