The game includes a rather small number of equip-able fegyverrel (compared to other games), and an even smaller number of those are actually any good. The amount of páncél is negligeable. The fegyverrel you get as part of the story (acél kardja in the Prológus, ezüst kardja in Második Fejezet) are the baseline weapons. Most other fegyverrel Geralt finds are of inferior quality, but there are a few upgrades available.
The game includes a rather small number of equip-able fegyverrel (compared to other games), and an even smaller number of those are actually any good. The amount of páncél is negligeable. The fegyverrel you get as part of the story (acél kardja in the Prológus, ezüst kardja in Második Fejezet) are the baseline weapons. Most other fegyverrel Geralt finds are of inferior quality, but there are a few upgrades available.