| - Characters associated with death are also commonly named or nicknamed "Shinigami":
* In Rozen Maiden, Suigintou's medium(Megu Kakizaki) calls Suigintou Angel-san in the episode where they first meet. She also tells Suigintou to quickly take her away from the world
* In the Akumajō Dracula/Castlevania series (video games), a character named "Shinigami" (Death in the US games) is a loyal servant to Dracula, working to hasten his master's revival and assisting him in creating a world of darkness.
* At least three characters from the multiple Gundam universes are called "Shinigami" as a nickname. These include, Kyral Mekirel from G Gundam, Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, and Terry Sanders Jr. from Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team.
* In the manga Hellsing, character Walter Dorne
| - Characters associated with death are also commonly named or nicknamed "Shinigami":
* In Rozen Maiden, Suigintou's medium(Megu Kakizaki) calls Suigintou Angel-san in the episode where they first meet. She also tells Suigintou to quickly take her away from the world
* In the Akumajō Dracula/Castlevania series (video games), a character named "Shinigami" (Death in the US games) is a loyal servant to Dracula, working to hasten his master's revival and assisting him in creating a world of darkness.
* At least three characters from the multiple Gundam universes are called "Shinigami" as a nickname. These include, Kyral Mekirel from G Gundam, Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing, and Terry Sanders Jr. from Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team.
* In the manga Hellsing, character Walter Dornez, has the nickname "Shinigami".
* The protagonist of the anime Darker Than Black, codename Hei, is known by the nickname "Black Shinigami" for his skills at killing opponents during a war in South America ten years prior.
* In the manga Zombie Powder, the main character, Gamma Akutabi, is nicknamed the "black-armed shinigami", referring to the black armor he has grafted to one of his arms.
* A character in the Klonoa games goes by "Shinigami Guntz" from his job as a mercenary. Most of his moves has 'Shinigami' in front of them.
* In the Japanese manga "Shinigami Lovers" the character Sei is a shinigami who is chained to Mika's soul by the Thantos Lovers chains.
* In the manga "As the Death God Dictates" by Mimori Ao the main character Ayumi is told she had one month left to live by the shinigami Shiro.
* In the anime & manga "Nabari no Ō" the character Yoite is referred to as the emotionless shinigami because of his use of his power "Kira" on people without remorse.
* Ragna the Bloodedge, the main protagonist of BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, is also nicknamed as the "god of death" (in other words, a shinigami). His Astral Heat, "Black Onslaught", even provides more proof of him being called that name, especially when turning his sword into a scythe.