| - Zanorin Drakesfire is an Archmage of the Shadow, the Guardian of Ebonhold, a Mage in the service of Lady Kalath'aria the Instrumentalist, and perhaps one of the most powerful humans that exists in all of the realms. He was believed to reside within the fortress of Ebonhold at the base of the Dragonspine Mountains, within a Host Tower of the Arcane known as Drakesfire Tower. However, it was revealed that Zanorin was, in fact, a Drake in the guise of human. One apparently less powerful than Val'sharax.
| - Zanorin Drakesfire is an Archmage of the Shadow, the Guardian of Ebonhold, a Mage in the service of Lady Kalath'aria the Instrumentalist, and perhaps one of the most powerful humans that exists in all of the realms. Having made his first appearance on the 15th day of Idleforge in the year 625 ATA atop the Sword and Shield Tavern in the Township of Road's End, Zanorin was quick to demonstrate his power in an attempt to swiftly win the attention and forced trust of Sahna Nillu, Vhramis Skinner, Dradin Gale, and those others who had formed an expedition intending to set forth to recover the then-exiled Emperor Talus Kahar XIV. The Archmage demonstrated his power further when he then teleported the expedition party over one hundred miles to the northwest of Fastheld to a forest just outside of the settlement of Crown's Refuge in a mere fraction of time. Having stated that the task was requested of him by "The Lady", Zanorin was then quick to vanish once more, though not before dropping hints that he would return again. He was believed to reside within the fortress of Ebonhold at the base of the Dragonspine Mountains, within a Host Tower of the Arcane known as Drakesfire Tower. Late in the year 625, soon after Kalath'aria departed from Ebonhold, Zanorin was banished from the Wildlands by the Crimson Drake known as Val'sharax, to "maintain the balance" for all sides of the "greater conflict to come. His current location is unknown. However, it was revealed that Zanorin was, in fact, a Drake in the guise of human. One apparently less powerful than Val'sharax.