| - The Zealot Caste was one of the three main castes of Charon society, alongside the Savant Caste and the Thrall Caste. The largest of the three castes, the Zealot Caste were the warriors, enforcers and executioners of the Charon Dominion. Fanatically loyal to their cause as outlined in the philosophies of the Void of Oblivion, Zealots are harshly trained from birth to be hardened battlers and sacrifice their lives without pause for success in achieving their objectives. While killings were rare and largely forbidden, infighting within the Zealot Caste was relatively commonplace, particularly among species, in proving who amongst them were most qualified to exterminate the Dominion's deadliest foes.
| - The Zealot Caste was one of the three main castes of Charon society, alongside the Savant Caste and the Thrall Caste. The largest of the three castes, the Zealot Caste were the warriors, enforcers and executioners of the Charon Dominion. Fanatically loyal to their cause as outlined in the philosophies of the Void of Oblivion, Zealots are harshly trained from birth to be hardened battlers and sacrifice their lives without pause for success in achieving their objectives. While killings were rare and largely forbidden, infighting within the Zealot Caste was relatively commonplace, particularly among species, in proving who amongst them were most qualified to exterminate the Dominion's deadliest foes. In spite of the fact that they were considered expendable and looked down upon by the affluent Savant Caste, members of the Zealot Caste were nonetheless prideful and viewed themselves as above most Savants due to their constant slaying of enemies; a practice that was believed to hasten the Charon toward their ultimate enlightenment. Although Humans made up the majority of the leadership of the Zealot Caste, the vast bulk of the Zealots were of other species, such as the Vrathites, the Ithunzi, the Herculeans and following the Extant War, the Yuuzhan Vong, which were called "vassal species" or "races". Unlike most war-like systems, tales of valor did not center around elongated battles and struggles against powerful enemies, but on quickly one could slay them. Similarly, torture, overly-brutal killings and sadistic tendencies were rare-to-nonexistent, as the Charon prized efficiency in battle over appearance. The more enemies one could slay, and the faster they could slay them before moving on to more enemies, was how valor was counted. Consequently, Zealots were speechless in battle, save for their initial battle cries which were often in the form of hyphenated prayers to the Void. Under most circumstances, the members of the Zealot Caste were in subjection to the Savant Caste, although the divide in authority between them shortened the higher ranked a Zealot became. At the top of the echelon, he highest ranked member of the Zealot Caste was the High Preliator, who was in equal rank to the acting head of the Savant Caste. Unlike most military forces, Zealots were trained for equal proficiency in land combat as in interstellar combat.