| - There are major differences between the book and its subsequent adaptations into the MASH film and the M*A*S*H TV Series. In the case of the film, there were also differences between the screenplay and what subsequently emerged in the finished product. Most of the changes involve the dropping of characters or including of new ones. Existing characters where carried over were portrayed differently. Some plot lines in the book were depicted in the film and TV versions but others were dropped totally. Some of the changes were points of contention between the franchise's various creators. Richard Hooker, the author of the novel, liked the film but not the TV series. Ring Lardner, Jr., author of the Academy award-winning screenplay, was disappointed with the final film. Robert Altman, director of the film, also disliked the TV series. Wayne Rogers, the actor who portrayed Trapper in the TV series, complained about the role reversal between his character and the Hawkeye character and ultimately left the series after its third season.