| - A Handmaiden is a personal maid or woman servant.
- The handmaidens of the Royal Blood of the Bolkando kingdom were called thus. Chancellor Rava judged the handmaidens the "cruellest assassins this world has ever seen".
- A handmaiden or handmaid is a woman in the service of a noblewoman of higher status. Women of vassal houses sometimes also serve as handmaidens and companions to noble ladies in the household of their overlords or at the royal court.
- Handmaidens were personal aides to royal personalities of the galaxy.
- The Echani Handmaiden Sisters served the Jedi Master Atris on Telos IV. They all had identical appearances, save Brianna, who had the same father as her half-sisters, but a different mother. Before joining the Jedi Order, Jaesa Willsaam lived on Alderaan, serving as a handmaiden to Gesselle Organa. Perhaps the most notable of handmaidens were the handmaidens of the Monarch of Naboo. An unidentified queen, who reigned long before the Invasion of Naboo, began the custom for Naboo monarchs to have an entourage of handmaidens to ensure their safety. During the reign of Queen Amidala, the handmaidens bore a striking resemblance to their mistress. They were highly trained in order to act as bodyguards, decoys and confidantes to the queen, roles devised by Captain Panaka. Queens Jamillia and Kylantha were also known to employ handmaidens.