| - Jormungar are creatures that can be encountered in Northrend in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. They have muscular, flattened bodies with rows of crystalline spines along either flank. They are known to easily burrow through hard snow and ice. From the official [[File:Icon--22x22.png|]] Wrath of the Lich King — Bestiary: The fiercely aggressive jormungar are a marvel of evolution, possessing rows of chisel-like teeth capable of boring through solid rock, as well as muscular, flattened bodies well adapted to rapid underground navigation. Legends tell of the nerubians' using the jormungar as creatures of labor, forcing them to carve massive tunnels through Northrend's subterranean ice and lay the groundwork for the nerubians' ancient civilization. With the fall of the nerubian empire, swarms of rogue jormungar ran amok, drilling through the region's permafrost, attacking surface dwellers, and devouring everything in their path. According to the Vrykul Astrid Bjornrittar the Jormungar are the children of the titanic watcher Loken. Further legends tell of the nerubians' using the jormungar as creatures for burrowing. A massive jormungar the size of Veranus attacked the group of Frostborn dwarves who had found Muradin Bronzebeard close to death. After swallowing a dwarf whole, the dwarves began to fear. Muradin despite his wounds became an Avatar and threw his hammer at the beast, killing it, and nearly taking its head off. A group of jormungar are eating the mountain giants of the Crystal Vice. Some jormungar are tamed by the earthen to fight the Iron Colossus.