| - The series was originally in Polish, but English subtitles are available on YouTube. The character also features in a music video. Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4
* Art Evolution: The series becomes progressively more polished; interface elements stop popping up, and the Head Bob is phased out in favor of actual Mouth Flaps (which are difficult to do in Gothic.)
* Atomic F-Bomb: The Fire-Human, when his game crashes and he has no savegame.
* Berserk Button: Don't call the Large Beetle "little".
* Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Large Beetle, though he's friendly.
* Big No: Twice, and very big ones.
* Brains and Brawn: Waclaw and Bogdan.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: It's more or less hole-filled throughout the series, but comes crashing down at the end of epi
| - The series was originally in Polish, but English subtitles are available on YouTube. The character also features in a music video. Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4
* Art Evolution: The series becomes progressively more polished; interface elements stop popping up, and the Head Bob is phased out in favor of actual Mouth Flaps (which are difficult to do in Gothic.)
* Atomic F-Bomb: The Fire-Human, when his game crashes and he has no savegame.
* Berserk Button: Don't call the Large Beetle "little".
* Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Large Beetle, though he's friendly.
* Big No: Twice, and very big ones.
* Brains and Brawn: Waclaw and Bogdan.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: It's more or less hole-filled throughout the series, but comes crashing down at the end of episode four.
* Cats Are Mean: Hovercat.
* Creepy Monotone: Hovercat.
* Disney Villain Death: Waclaw.
* Driven to Suicide: Spy.
* Dumb Muscle: Bogdan.
* Elemental Embodiment: The Water-Human might be one, since he actually has blue skin, and some narration in the ending song mentions he's made of nothing but water.
* Even the Subtitler Is Stumped: The ending of episode four, which depicts a very unintelligible conversation over Skype.
* Gut Feeling: Water-Human sees through the Spy's charade literally by guessing randomly.
* And the Beetle figures out the plot so far through nothing more than a hunch.
* Hand Wave: How the Beetle's reduction in size is explained. Apparently he became smaller because of sea water.
* Heel Face Turn: Bogdan.
* Hidden Depths: The Beetle, who apparently has Psychic Powers and lazors.
* Hilarious Outtakes: End of episode two.
* Kill It with Water: Hovercat. It's a cat, so it fears water.
* Making a Splash: Water-Human.
* Medium Awareness: A couple of gags throughout the series.
* No Title: Episode four.
* Orcus on His Throne: Fire-Human, big time. He literally does nothing except sit on his throne and play Ace Attorney.
* Playing with Fire: The Fire-Human, and his cronies.
* Precision F-Strike: Waclaw's reaction to when he's told that the Fire-Human refuses to see him now.
* Shout-Out: A lot of them - Leeroy Jenkins, The Angry Video Game Nerd, Ace Attorney.
* Squick: Water-Human's reaction to seeing the Wolf's last text message.
* Wacky Wayside Tribe: Pretty much the entire episode two. Though David is later off-handedly integrated with the plot.
* Wandering Minstrel: The Music-Human.