Mix and shake the ingredients.
Attributes | Values |
| - Emerald Dream
- Emerald Dream
- Emerald Dream
- Emerald Dream
- Emerald Dream
- Emerald dream
| - Mix and shake the ingredients.
- thumb|Emerald Dream The Emerald Dream (tł. Szmaragdowy Sen) - jedna ze stref zamkniętych w World of Warcraft. Niewidoczna na mapie, dowiadujemy się o niej z questów. Emerald Dream był często odwiedzany przez Cenariusa i jego ucznia Malfuriona Stormrage. Swoją obecność w Szmaragdowym Śnie zaznaczył również Lord Xavius, który poprzez swoje działania doprowadził do splugawienia tej mistycznej krainy i powstania Szmaragdowego Koszmaru. Władcą tej krainy jest jeden z aspektów Ysera.
- Smaragdi uni on toinen ulottuvuus Azerothissa, jota johtavat vihreät lohikäärmeet. thumb|400px
- The Emerald Dream (also known as the Dream of Creation or simply the Dream) is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. It appears to those who travel within it as Azeroth would have appeared without the development of the sapient races, which means that it is what Azeroth would have been if not for humans, elves, and other intelligent creatures. In essence, this plane shows travelers what their world would be if intelligent races had not cut forests, farmed prairies, diverted rivers and built cities (and had Kalimdor not been shattered by the Sundering). It is a vision of the world as a verdant natural paradise. Tranquil forests stretch away in every direction, and rolling hills and majestic mountains mimic Azeroth's landscape.
- The Emerald Dream (also known as the Dream of Creation, Green Dream or simply the Dream) is an ethereal, vast, ever-changing world of spirits and untamed nature, that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world, and is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. As the Emerald Dream is a realm of life, its mirror representing death is the Shadowlands. The Emerald Dream is basically how the world would have been, if intelligent beings had not altered Azeroth's surface.
- The waking Dream of Creation and verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. The Emerald Dream, as the realm of the wild, appears to those who travel within it as Azeroth would have appeared without the development of the sentient races.
- Il Sogno di Smeraldo è un mondo dell'Universo di Warcraft appartenente a Ysera, una dei cinque Aspetti (infatti lei è presente sia nel Sogno che mondo "materiale" in ogni momento). Esso rappresenta il mondo di Azeroth ai suoi primordi, ovvero prima che le razze umanoidi lo civilizzassero. Nella trilogia La Guerra degli Antichi si scopre che il sogno è formato da più strati che rappresentano varie ere della creazione. Nel libro Il Pozzo dell'Eternità Malfurion entra nel sogno per la prima volta con l' aiuto di Cenarius.
- Esmerald Dream o Sueño Esmeralda (conocido también como 'El sueño' a secas) es la realidad verdosa creada por la dragona verde Ysera. Muestra a los Viajeros que se adentren, el aspecto que tendría Azeroth si no hubiese sido modificado por la sabiduría de sus razas, o lo que es lo mismo, lo que podría ser Azeroth si nunca hubiera albergado la presencia de humanos, elfos y otras criaturas inteligentes. Es por eso que contiene el aspecto original de todos los bosques cortados para reutilizar la madera de los árboles, las praderas que se transformaron para el cultivo, los ríos contaminados por la presencia de las ciudades y por supuesto, el aspecto del mundo si no se hubiera producido el Gran Cataclismo. Por tanto, es una visión paradisíaca del mundo en el que tranquilos bosques se extienden h
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| - Esmerald Dream o Sueño Esmeralda (conocido también como 'El sueño' a secas) es la realidad verdosa creada por la dragona verde Ysera. Muestra a los Viajeros que se adentren, el aspecto que tendría Azeroth si no hubiese sido modificado por la sabiduría de sus razas, o lo que es lo mismo, lo que podría ser Azeroth si nunca hubiera albergado la presencia de humanos, elfos y otras criaturas inteligentes. Es por eso que contiene el aspecto original de todos los bosques cortados para reutilizar la madera de los árboles, las praderas que se transformaron para el cultivo, los ríos contaminados por la presencia de las ciudades y por supuesto, el aspecto del mundo si no se hubiera producido el Gran Cataclismo. Por tanto, es una visión paradisíaca del mundo en el que tranquilos bosques se extienden hasta donde alcanza la vista y donde se alzan majestuosas colinas y montañas que imitan a Azeroth sin ser exactamente Azeroth.
- Mix and shake the ingredients.
- thumb|Emerald Dream The Emerald Dream (tł. Szmaragdowy Sen) - jedna ze stref zamkniętych w World of Warcraft. Niewidoczna na mapie, dowiadujemy się o niej z questów. Emerald Dream był często odwiedzany przez Cenariusa i jego ucznia Malfuriona Stormrage. Swoją obecność w Szmaragdowym Śnie zaznaczył również Lord Xavius, który poprzez swoje działania doprowadził do splugawienia tej mistycznej krainy i powstania Szmaragdowego Koszmaru. Władcą tej krainy jest jeden z aspektów Ysera.
- Smaragdi uni on toinen ulottuvuus Azerothissa, jota johtavat vihreät lohikäärmeet. thumb|400px
- The Emerald Dream (also known as the Dream of Creation or simply the Dream) is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. It appears to those who travel within it as Azeroth would have appeared without the development of the sapient races, which means that it is what Azeroth would have been if not for humans, elves, and other intelligent creatures. In essence, this plane shows travelers what their world would be if intelligent races had not cut forests, farmed prairies, diverted rivers and built cities (and had Kalimdor not been shattered by the Sundering). It is a vision of the world as a verdant natural paradise. Tranquil forests stretch away in every direction, and rolling hills and majestic mountains mimic Azeroth's landscape.
- Il Sogno di Smeraldo è un mondo dell'Universo di Warcraft appartenente a Ysera, una dei cinque Aspetti (infatti lei è presente sia nel Sogno che mondo "materiale" in ogni momento). Esso rappresenta il mondo di Azeroth ai suoi primordi, ovvero prima che le razze umanoidi lo civilizzassero. Nella trilogia La Guerra degli Antichi si scopre che il sogno è formato da più strati che rappresentano varie ere della creazione. Nel libro Il Pozzo dell'Eternità Malfurion entra nel sogno per la prima volta con l' aiuto di Cenarius. Lord Xavius possiede un occhio magico che gli permette di vedere le creature nel sogno (e nel primo libro della trilogia lo sfrutta per imprigionare Malfurion). Malfurion trascorre i mille anni prima della seconda invasione della Legione Infuocata nel sogno di smeraldo. Sono originari del Sogno i Draghetti Immaginari, utilizzabili in Warcraft III Categoria:Mondi
- The Emerald Dream (also known as the Dream of Creation, Green Dream or simply the Dream) is an ethereal, vast, ever-changing world of spirits and untamed nature, that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world, and is the verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. As the Emerald Dream is a realm of life, its mirror representing death is the Shadowlands. The Emerald Dream is basically how the world would have been, if intelligent beings had not altered Azeroth's surface.
- The waking Dream of Creation and verdant realm of the Dragon Aspect Ysera. The Emerald Dream, as the realm of the wild, appears to those who travel within it as Azeroth would have appeared without the development of the sentient races.
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